Rhodococcus rhodochrous


Valued Senior Member
Patential negative side effects of using Rhodococcus rhodochrous as a phage control for pseudogymnoascus destructans ?

Your thoughts?
Sorry that sentence shutdown my brain so I have no thoughts.
Looked it up and that is very cool. It would be great if they could use it to somehow defeat the white nose syndrome. In my neck of the woods the bat population has been really hurt by this fungus.
We've been lucky here in east central Iowa. It seems that pseudogymnoascus destructans doesn't survive our cold winter nights.
Patential negative side effects of using Rhodococcus rhodochrous as a phage control for pseudogymnoascus destructans ?

Your thoughts?
Rhodococcus rhodochrous seems like a fairly common and innocuous bacteria so there shouldn't be any problems. But when working with something like this I think the law of unintended consequences is pretty scary, I would make damn sure there were intense studies before anything is tried with this.
Bats inoculated with the bacterium have already been released in caves in Missouri and Kentucky...........................