revival of dead dog after 10 mins


less hate, more science
Registered Senior Member
I don't really have a comment on this film, but I thought people here might find it interesting. it is a video from the 30/40s of a dog that is, apparently brought back to life after a period of time.

good luck getting away with this now that there are groups like PITA.
We should make some kind of anti-PETA. Not to encourage cruelty, just to go against whatever PETA says. Stupid animal activists, getting in the way of science.
After reading the reviews about this seeminly grotesque film, I decided not to download and view it. However, their have been many many cases where dogs have been brought back to life through mouth-to-mouth resucitation, including one instance where I did it myself after a dog almost drowned and had no sign of life. He came to in about 60 seconds. All I want to say is that the same emergency techniques that we use for emergencies on humans can also be effectifely applied to animals.
the fact that the dog was brought back was not what I found interesting. the dog had no blood circulation or breathing for ten minutes (thats a long time), and some of the dogs they mentioned had gone for more.
I believe that EMTs say that the normal time for children and adults to survive without breathing is about 15 minutes. After that they say brain damage occurs. However, throughout my limited lifetime I have read numerous times where people have been resuscitated back to life over 30 minutes after drowning. And where people have been discovered to regain consciousness and started to screem after being buried! Ten minutes is not a long time to consider a living being to be dead.