Revisiting Religiously Motivated Violence


Valued Senior Member
Earlier on, I posted this on the topic of religiously motivated violence:

Some ways to understand violence to be motivated by religion:

1. The violence is perpetrated by people who claim to be religious.

2. The claims of the perpetrators are to be taken at face value and to be held as a standard of religion.

3. Religion is what any person who claims to be religious says religion is.

4. Some religious scriptures instruct the persecution of non-believers. The people who claim to be the heirs of said scriptures, are indeed divinely ordained heirs of said scriptures. Whatever these people do, is sanctioned by the scriptures and God.

5. A person who claims to be religious, has no political or economical interests.

6. People make no mistakes.

- And therefore, any violence committed by a person who claims to be religious, is violence motivated by religion.


Some ways to understand how violence is not motivated by religion:

1. Simply claiming to be religious does not make a person religious.
Asserting religious identity does not necessarily equal genuine religious identity.
Every religion has as part of its doctrines warnings about asserting religious identity lightly.

2. There is a gradation of religious advancement within every religion.
From practitioners who are at the beginning levels and who still manifest mainly mundane acting and reasoning, to practitioners who are much less mundane.

3. Religion is what the topmost authorities within a religion claim religion to be.

4. Religious scriptures give various instructions. While any practitioner may attempt to carry them out, not every practitioner is equally competent to carry out those instructions adequately.

5. All people have political and economical interests. It is inevitable that in order to survive, they satisfy those interests somehow.

6. People make mistakes. Sometimes, they even repent for them.

- And therefore, any violence committed by a person who claims to be religious, is not necessarily violence motivated by religion.

It is difficult to accept the first set, and reasonable to accept the second set.

However, there is a very practical level at which religious people get away with lowly actions, even violence: domestic issues, issues of bullying among school children, bullying among coworkers, in the neighborhood.

Religious people get to bully others in the name of religion, and get away with it because religiousness is protected by the secular (!!) law, and non-religiousness is not protected.

It's not that violence is religiously motivated.
It's that religiousness is supposed to be respected as such.
By mandating respect for religiousness, the secular government is giving religious people more power and more rights than they deserve.
@wynn --

So when a group of gun wielding thugs, including the town's only minister, came around to run me out of town because I'm an atheist, is that religiously motivated violence(yes, shots were fired in my direction)?
that is what I am talking about When . Christianity is a male driven religion that persecutes the Woman. They are sinners more so than men right out of the gate . You should be a witch like Me . I got the power because of it . Voo Doo white witch power .
Some hear on this forum have witnessed my power. They are secretly promoting my word . They call Me by name that I might know they love me .
It is hard to know who really loves you when . I good lover will tell you you got toilet paper hanging out of your underwear. Let Me get for you my precious .

Kiss Kiss my love
When do you know the 1000 names of god . If you fifty you would believe Me . If you 10 you still might believe Me . The people that tele communicate with Me call Me by the 50 names of God . They know I hear there secret thoughts . They know I hear there prayer
This is what makes all this so absurd mekigal. People like you going out and saying that your psychic and commune with god. This is the exact reason why that people are being brain-washed by societies and individuals commit horrible crimes. Become a witch like you, i thought this was a forum for intelligent people. I guess you found the wrong internet page.

You do not commune with god or any higher power. If you do then prove it. You should be able to come up with at least something personal.
A violent man would never serve God, irrelivent topic. A ignorant man would think he is serving God with unseen bloodshed.
So when a group of gun wielding thugs, including the town's only minister, came around to run me out of town because I'm an atheist, is that religiously motivated violence(yes, shots were fired in my direction)?

As far as I can tell, it would be religiously motivated only if these would apply:

1. The violence is perpetrated by people who claim to be religious.

2. The claims of the perpetrators are to be taken at face value and to be held as a standard of religion.

3. Religion is what any person who claims to be religious says religion is.

4. Some religious scriptures instruct the persecution of non-believers. The people who claim to be the heirs of said scriptures, are indeed divinely ordained heirs of said scriptures. Whatever these people do, is sanctioned by the scriptures and God.

5. A person who claims to be religious, has no political or economical interests.

6. People make no mistakes.

It is common human behavior to try to expell those who do not fit in.
Theists and atheists alike do it, in various forms.
@wynn --

So when a group of gun wielding thugs, including the town's only minister, came around to run me out of town because I'm an atheist, is that religiously motivated violence(yes, shots were fired in my direction)?

And we should believe you, why?

@wynn --

So when a group of gun wielding thugs, including the town's only minister, came around to run me out of town because I'm an atheist, is that religiously motivated violence(yes, shots were fired in my direction)?

Im sorry about this, they do not serve my God, I promise you. For such a act mr. Minister can be cast to the fire with his church. Again, this does not represent the thoughts or feelings of my God, I feel I am in position to represent him with my words. Yes, by all means this was religously motivated. Religion will burn with all the heathens, all the pedophiles, all the wrong-doers, and all the decitful. This minister decieved God, judment will be cast down on him with the force of 100,000 freight trains, fore he knows the folly of his ways but chooses ignorance. You, need only minimul repentment, fore you do not believe, and you blame God for man's mistake. Trust me, Arioch, you sit higher than this minister, and one more time, I am sorry, this is completly unacceptable.
And we should believe you, why?


You dont have to, things like this happen all the time all over the world. Religion breeds hate. Period. I will see the end of it personaly. Arioch said he was once a believer, I think it is man you need question, not God, Arioch. On the 7th day God rested, take that to heart, Arioch. That is the single most important line in the bible, to me.

Muslims, Christians, Judens you have been warned, accept all of your prophets, they are all of the same God. I will pick the heathens from the churches before I see them crumble, if I can not pick the heathens from the faithful then all will crumble under the cobble stones of our churches of gold, all man will pay for the crimes of religion if we do not come to center ground. Religion will die, I promise. He who hath a ear.