Revisiting anslem


1. Anything is possible.
2. Mind can create anything.
3. Therefore, existence is created by mind. ?

For if anything is possible without intelligence, chaos and randomness must then ensue, which is not the case with design, so intelligence does not merely achieve a pattern within chaos, it creates it. The mind rather than the intelligence is the brain, the operation of free will, determinism and self-determination all combined. If intelligence is the effect of this combination and not the cause, then mind is both a qualitative and quantitative dimension existing as a separate quality from the object world while being greater than the quantitative aspect of the brain.
I don't remember these premises as being of Anselm, they seem more like Berkeley. But I'm probably wrong.

I do remember, however, Anselm's ontological argument being along the lines of this:
1) God is a being greater than which none other can be conceived.
2) Which would be greater: a being conceived; or a being that actually exists?
3) Since God is the greatest (most perfect) being conceived, he must exist.