Revising and following the Bible

Scanners Imagine

Registered Member
While many might not believe in the historical truth of the bible in the sense of people, time and place, its still a good book in terms of wisdom. Reading the bible purely as a informative source, you will find it as one of the wisest compilations ever.
Again many choose in these modern times to discredit the bible because of ancient laws that dont make any sense in our day and age. Having slaves, beating your wife, etc. Now if the whole world sat down one day and decided to follow the bible to the point, not as religious followers of God and Jesus, but of the wisdom contained in it, and decided to revise it to modern standards.
What should be taken out? Would you agree to to follow(understand now, you dont have to believe in god, just the day to day laws like dont be a hypocrite, honor your mother and father, dont steal etc.) them? Would you make a mish mash of the Quran and Zen knowledge? Or do you feel the Bible is perfect the way it is. Its a sin to alter Gods work, but since the bible wasnt directly written by God, but passed on through hear say by men, what would stop humanity from believing and following a common system?