Review on "Divine Intuition: Cognitive Style Influences Belief in God"


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Questionably, researchers believe they have demonstrated that belief in God can be explained as a function of intuitive thinking. The study, "Divine Intuition: Cognitive Style Influences Belief in God," was recently reported in a distorted manner under the Yahoo News title "Belief in God Boils Down to a Gut Feeling." A review was done on the study, "Divine Intuition: Cognitive Style Influences Belief in God," and you can find both the review and a link to the original journal article here: or here:
The second link is a bit easier to read.

If you're interested in research methods in psychology or the psychology of faith you might find this interesting.
I believe in God because this means this, and that means this, therefor this is that. You know what I mean? I don't believe in God because of instinct (although that is part of it), I believe because I reasoned it to be so.
what is this and what is that ? You know what I mean ? There is something . I don't know what it is . It is big and it controls out comes . Maybe it is cause and effect , but I tell you it sure propels it self through the passage of time . Pierces the passage of time . I think it is some type of strange information stream . Like a first light in a blast . A pre-language . Not like you think of language . More like a first alert of things to come . Like if I was going to hit you on the head I would say I am going to hit you on the head now then Blam you get hit on the head . That is what it is like . Like it say to someone who would here it with out hearing it You will get the flue and then you get the flue . Like a suggestion and your not conscience of the suggestion so you follow the suggestion for some unknown reason . I don't know , but I see it and it is big and butt loads of you follow the suggestion like it was God . I really think it is a language that we speak to one another with out realizing we are speaking to one another in this manner . I also think that it is encoded in vibration as we speak and move through the universe . Like the way the military can know what you are saying from the vibration of the glass in your house as you speak inside the house . I think this vibration is part of the unseen language that transfers . Like precognitive ? Maybe . I don't know if I used that right . Your drawn to it and influenced by it by your personal red car phenomena. All the things you relate to in your personal spheres of influence. The name you are called plays a big factor in your discrimination of things . Built upon from your very earliest memories . I think if you analysis your life you could find the chain of events that lead you to you mind set now , event find key phrasings that influenced thought . It is a hard exercise I know and even harder to make a coherent story of it . You might find a common thread that persists from early childhood and work out from there . I don't know and it all might sound woo woo if I was you , but if you were me it would not sound woo woo . Cause you would see it like I do . It is definitely freaky