Reverse transcriptase enzyme


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Which gene is responsible for producing Reverse transcriptase enzyme in HIV
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The HIV genome consists of about 9000 nucleotides and contains nine genes. Three of these genes are common to all retroviruses: gag encodes capsid proteins, env encodes envelope proteins, and pol encodes both the reverse transcriptase and the integrase enzymes.
I don't know if there are any drugs that inhibit production of RT, but there certainly are a number of existing drugs that inhibit its activity.

Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) target construction of viral DNA by inhibiting activity of reverse transcriptase. There are two subtypes of RTIs with different mechanisms of action: nucleoside-analogue RTIs are incorporated into the viral DNA leading to chain termination, while non-nucleoside-analogue RTIs distort the binding potential of the reverse transcriptase enzyme.