Revenge & Bad karma


Registered Senior Member
I just want some opinions here (kinda to see everyone's viewpoint). If someone screws you over, in any way, do you think its ok for you to take matters into your own hands, or do you think that person will get what they deserv?

Well you cant say "in any way". Like, if a guy screws me over or something of that nature, I usually say "Ahh, he'll get his." I think mostly people get paid back for the bad things they do. BUT - if someone messes with my kid or grandmother or something - I dont think Id have the willpower to let it run its course. I think I'd go on a shooting spree:D Kidding, Oh and Welcome!!! Hope you enjoys this place as much as I do.

Groove on

Oh, and I have a question for people. What if someone experiences sooo much anguish in his/her young life - like really bad awful stuff. Does that person have the right to grow up and be bad? Kinda like pay back to the world? Or if the person stays good, shouldnt they get a reward or somethin?:D Just wondering....

If ANYONE can look at our world and still be good i think they deserve an award
Re: Hybrid

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Oh, and I have a question for people. What if someone experiences sooo much anguish in his/her young life - like really bad awful stuff.

I dont think they, have the right to do that to people just because it happened to them. Unfortunatly, it usually turns out that way :(
yea, I really messed up on my last post. I quoted the wrong part, and had some errors.. you get the idea, though... :)
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
*Oh, and I have a question for people. What if someone experiences sooo much anguish in his/her young life - like really bad awful stuff.*

That doesn't necessarrily say such a person becomes a 'bad' person in later life. Guess it's just the way you deal with your life experiences. It can be pretty bad yes, in your young years. As far as I remember I was no good in the eyes of my parents. Everything I did was 'evil'. They are devote christians and had figured out my whole life for me. It turned out very different then their expectations were. I am a whole different person then they want me to be. My father called me 'posessed by the devil' at the age of 4 and that's only 1 example. There were a whole bunch of bad experiences from when I was a little kid till this day.

Never have done something bad back to them though. My life rolled along and one way or another I was able to keep standing. Without becoming a bad, violent or whatever you may call it, person. I have an aversity of violence. Let people in their value as much as I can. Everybody is different and has his/her own right and experiences to deal with their way of living.

I think that everything you do comes back to you, good and bad. In the end you always get what you give. :)

Only my observation, I call it Karma yes, or Ka.

Of course thoughts came to mind to do something against certain people. Guess that's only human. There is a difference though, between thinking about it and actually doing something to other humans feelings...
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Everything that you do come back to you.
Never take revenge. Instead, pray for who screwed you over. Whoever did it, will need a prayer... you can be sure...
You can even ask for forgiviness for that person, but never revenge. Don't even think about it...
