revelation about revelation


Registered Member
Ok I do not believe in the christen god manly because it revolves around evil which any one who sits down and contemplates it will realize that it dose not exist (DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME ON THIS POST!!! Plz keep it about one thing!) Another thing I was told is that revelations was not written by Jesus’ dispels rater than just some wack job, but leave that aside.

Okay people work with me here: bowl or shit as we call it is like pollution or at least pollution is the shit or bowl of industrialization.

The following is form revelation 15:8 and something about 16 I don’t really understand the bible not going to church and all.

The first angle of the apocalypse “poured its bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people”
Pollution does give people cancer, which could be a painful sore.

The second angle of the apocalypse “poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died”
I don’t know about the blood thing but we do dump our pollution in the ocean and it does kill also if blood is let to rot it turns to brown scum like heavily polluted water I am not sure if that is what he meant thou.

The third angle of the apocalypse “poured out his bowl on the river and springs of water, and they became blood”
Well same as the ocean and we dump our pollution in springs and rivers. Also WTF why do they have 2 angles that do the same damn thing? Just one with the sea and one with rivers?

The fourth angel of the apocalypse “poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given the power to scorch the people with fire”
Holes in the ozone layer caused by pollution.

The fifth angel of the apocalypse “Poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness”
Well what I can gather from that is that pollution killed the animals, which happens.

The Sixth angel of the apocalypse “poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings form the east.”
All I can say is that in Arizona we have the Colorado river well it will soon be dried up because we damn it off and drink it. The same could happen to any river. Also this business about the kings of the east well that could mean Asia. However I think it is more likely that the Middle East will use it for farming and for drinking water. That food might go to feed Asia’s booming population thou.

The seventh angel “poured out his bowl into the air”
Well pollution goes in the air however I am thinking more like bio warfare like maybe smallpox manly because it is the last so it probably killed us all. But it talks about hail and it being a plague it is unclear if the seventh angel caused this or not.

Also this is going out on a limb but at the end it says “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.”
Well this is where I go out on a limb: In Islam added to Christianity just like Christianity added to Judaism so that would be breaking the part where it said adding to the bible. Now I not dissing Islam or anything I am just saying. BTW I have Islamic friends and I hold them dear.