Revelation 3:14


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I came across an interesting quote in Revelation where Jesus allegedly speaks and refers to himself as "the Amen." The "Amen" refers to the Egyptian Sun God "Amen-Ra." I believe the story of Jesus refers to the movement of the Sun (which is really the movement of the Earth, but in those days they thought the Sun moved and the Earth stood still).

I would like to see comments from everyone who has an opinion about Jesus being the "Amen-Ra." And, why does christian prayer say "Amen" at the end?
"Amen" is now described as an agreement, a way of saying "so be it".
What version of the Bible are you using as reference?
Here's what wikipedia has on the subject:
Amen in Judaism

In Judaism, it is midrashically taught that the word Amen is an acronym for אל (’El) מ (melekh) נאמן (ne’eman), meaning "God, King [who is] Trustworthy." The word itself is related to the Hebrew word emuna or "faith" with the same linguistic root, implying that one is affirming with, and of, "the faith" of Judaism (and its belief in Monotheism).
In traditional and modern Jewish liturgy, "Amen" is a word often used by a congregation as a way to affirm and subscribe to the words uttered previously by whoever leads the prayer.
The word Amen is sometimes preceded by v'Imru (Hebrew: ואמרו), often in Kaddish, which means "and now say (plural)", signaling to the congregation to respond together, "Amen".
Jews usually pronounce the word as it is pronounced in Hebrew: "ah-MAIN."

M*W: I came across an interesting quote in Revelation where Jesus allegedly speaks and refers to himself as "the Amen." The "Amen" refers to the Egyptian Sun God "Amen-Ra." I believe the story of Jesus refers to the movement of the Sun (which is really the movement of the Earth, but in those days they thought the Sun moved and the Earth stood still).

I would like to see comments from everyone who has an opinion about Jesus being the "Amen-Ra." And, why does christian prayer say "Amen" at the end?

Muslims also say Ameen at the end of a prayer usually with the imam.
"Amen" is now described as an agreement, a way of saying "so be it". What version of the Bible are you using as reference?

M*W: The NRSV quotes:

"14 "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the origin of God's creation."

I believe the "words of the Amen" to be the words attributed to Jesus (in allegory only) in that Amen-Ra is Jesus is the Sun of all living.
Muslims also say Ameen at the end of a prayer usually with the imam.

M*W: What does "Ameen" mean in Arabic? Are there any references to god being the sun in the Qur'an? What are the stars and planets called in Arabic?
Amen the last word:

This confirms M*W's "amen-ra".

The fact that the Bible’s writers were inspired to use the Hebrew word often certainly validates its correctness. What is the Bible’s definition of this word? Read Revelation 3:14. Here, Christ is referred to as “the Amen, the faithful and true witness.” It is used here in direct relation to the terms true and faithful, and emphasizes Christ and His message, the embodiment of TRUTH (John 14:6; 17:17). These verses conclusively show the word’s scriptural meaning.

So again we are left with many interpretations, and many beliefs, who determines which is right? What is the truth of such things? It's upon faith and faith alone that the deluded believe their rhetoric, it's up to archaeologists to dig for the truth.

In the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, whenever the faithful pray, regardless of language, they always end their prayer by saying Amen. There is no linguistic translation for Amen, because it is a name and not a word. The origin of Amen is Egyptian, for Amen was the name of God. The Jews have learned about Amen during their sojourn in Egypt, which lasted for four generations.

From the above link.
M*W: I came across an interesting quote in Revelation where Jesus allegedly speaks and refers to himself as "the Amen." The "Amen" refers to the Egyptian Sun God "Amen-Ra." I believe the story of Jesus refers to the movement of the Sun (which is really the movement of the Earth, but in those days they thought the Sun moved and the Earth stood still).

I would like to see comments from everyone who has an opinion about Jesus being the "Amen-Ra." And, why does christian prayer say "Amen" at the end?

In Ancient Egypt where I believe the word/concept "Amen" ( so be it) originated the term was "Amun" and it referred to the "hidden divinity" or the great trancendental spirit within the individual.
Ironically enough most Christians are not aware of this are committing blasephemy when they say Amen after the evening meal, as of course this was a gnostic concept (hidden divinity ) and we all know who won that battle between them and the early orthodox priesthood.