Return to normalcy???


Registered Senior Member
Normalcy is being described as the world before September 11. A world which was much different than the world we live in more than two weeks afterwards.

The American flag was never displayed in pride. Our government was an institution of distrust, as well as the police departments and other credible organizations. “The Red Cross can’t need blood again”, some would say while watching the evening news. Patriotism was an antiquated term, to be used on those who mindlessly obeyed their government.

The economy was the top concern of the day. Racism was something that really didn‘t happen in the new century. Religion had also become something passive, something to turn to only in hours of darkness. Saying “I love you”, was a sign of weakness, as well as showing empathy, or crying over a sad news story. The media could not be trusted, they were out to make money, just like all of the corporations.

If this is normalcy, than I want no part of it.
exactly...people can believe whatever the want, but last week has certainly changed how we live. Never in my short life have I experienced America; never has my own country made me cry.

What scares me is how all the conceited, insecure people who so angrily oppose everything from police to smart business will try to take advantage of this...there are so many people who are so far far in in their 'caring' world that nothing, not even something this big, can bring them out. Oh, they'll give their condolences and all that crap, but as soon as they see the American people move out of panic mode and into this new world, they'll start feeding again. It seems like a cliche now to talk about 'American Resolve' now, but it's at least a good thing that most of us got it now. At least for now...
In this past few weeks, is the only time EVER that I have ever cried watching the news. Out of this I have found a deep respect for the American Flag, and I have gained some great amount of respect for a President that until recently I thoiught was a complete idiot, and I have heard the most moving speech I have ever heard (The Daily Show, comedy central, 11-21-2001), and saw every conceited self-serving movie and rock star come together as one voice to help unite the people (America: tribute to heroes, 11-22-2001).

May the Gods and Goddesses bless America.

ps: many interesting articles that I have yet to see make any typivcal news source can be found at

Good luck to everyone in the next few months.
I'm happy two level headed people agree with me, hopefully more line up. But I'm willing to listen to anyone that disagrees, that doesn't mean I won't deliver a counter-point though.

I think a very good site about the news, and especially this terrorist stuff is, I suggest going to the politics forum, especially reading under the "Foreigners" section. I found a lot quite interesting.
Yes, things certainly have changed. While my family and I were visting the zoo yesterday I notice many imigrants of middle-eastern heritage. I'm not certain why there were so many there, that day, but they were everywhere...families. The curious thing is that I was very aware of their presence. At one point I had exchanged a long stare with one of the gentlemen. His eyes were angry, as though he was expecting an outburst on my part. I nodded my head in a gesture, trying to reassure him, then walked past. As I turned my head to give him a second glance, I noticed he was resting his head in his hands.

Also, there was a field of grass where people would park their strollers and sit. There were two very defined and very seperate groups on that field.

I dunno... I think the list of victims just continues to grow.
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Welcome to the new defination of normalcy. Never will it be viewed quite the same again. You see it in the responces such as Bowser mentioned in his post.

I refuse to accept that the American people will let hatred and all these horrible things become the new definition of normalcy in this country. We have overcome great hardships and we can overcome this one.

We have to work to change the world for the better. Before war, and plans to rebuild the globe after, we must first rebuild America. Rebuild physically, spirtiually, and mentally. We do that and we win, bullets or no bullets.
What is normal?

I think that we are just beginning to return to normalcy. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Read your history books. War and insecurity are the norm. There have been few smooth seas in recorded history. It is no great secret that resources are not distributed evenly among the worlds people. When the worlds top 300 wealthiest people control more than than 50% of the worlds wealth then it should not be a big surprise that some people will be angered by the fact that they are laboring to make other people wealthy and comfortable. It should not come as a shock that some people do not sympathize with the trajedy of not being able to find ones favorite color in size ten at the GAP in an air conditioned mall while hunger pains and despair engulf the hopeless reality that shrouds their life in a cloak of misery that was bought for them by fate. It is not a hate fueled by jealosy. It is a hate fueled by the awareness that the people of wealthier nations place the blame of their own misery on a lack of intelligence, skill, and desire. "They could be like us if they tried hard enough". Please keep in mind that when even the poorest and wretched face gazes towards the sky, the same sun that is reflected in their watery eyes is the same sun that rises and warms your face as you gaze toward the horizon that everyone who does not love America fell off of. Yes, I love America. But I can certainly understand why some people do not. To be suspicious of people who hate America is like being suspicious of people who dislike having their toenails being pulled out by needlenose pliers. Make no mistake, we will have to fight if we want to continue to dominate the people who do not have the same comforts and luxury as we do. No fake morality. Just truth and pain.
Spoke would say, "fasinating"

Then again I'm not Vulcan, but a red blooded human. First do really believe that 300 people control half of the world's wealth? I think the numbers are vastly scewed in the wrong light.

I don't think we the people or the government can fake moralilty, when showing our strength against these evil factors. If we were FAKING morality, then we'd have started the war by now, and killed six thousand plus Afghan civilians in revenge.

True, there is no true peacetime, because there is allways a war or policing action taking place somewhere. The nineties were a relitive peacetime, now it looks like there will be no peace for a long time.

I was refering to normalcy on the domestic front, not the worlds, but thanks for sharing your thoughts.