Return from a dream


Registered Senior Member
I had a weird experience.

I was dreaming. I was in a room full of desks with a few people sitting at some of the desks. I was standing at the front looking down at some folded clothes on a bigger desk. I looked up as someone walked into the room. At that moment, I felt like something grabbed me by the feet. I was pulled down to the floor and then rapidly dragged backwards beyond the back of the room. Then I felt like I was twisted to the right. Suddenly I was awake still looking through my eyes.

What is weird about this dream is that I was fully conscious through the dream to the waking moment. I was conscious within the dream as normal, conscious of being pulled back and then conscious when I was awake and realized I was dreaming.

I have never experienced changing from a state of dreaming to awake as a movement through space nor been fully conscious as the transition occurred.

As anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts? It certainly struck me as unusual.
Jagger said:
I had a weird experience.

I was dreaming. I was in a room full of desks with a few people sitting at some of the desks. I was standing at the front looking down at some folded clothes on a bigger desk. I looked up as someone walked into the room. At that moment, I felt like something grabbed me by the feet. I was pulled down to the floor and then rapidly dragged backwards beyond the back of the room. Then I felt like I was twisted to the right. Suddenly I was awake still looking through my eyes.

What is weird about this dream is that I was fully conscious through the dream to the waking moment. I was conscious within the dream as normal, conscious of being pulled back and then conscious when I was awake and realized I was dreaming.

I have never experienced changing from a state of dreaming to awake as a movement through space nor been fully conscious as the transition occurred.

As anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts? It certainly struck me as unusual.

Doesn't sound like a pleasant dream. Your awarness of yourself in your dream
makes it semi-lucid (full lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you are
dreaming... and typically you can exercise varying degrees of control once
this awarness is made). Anyhow, I have experienced quite a few dreams
where I have been thrown around like a ragdoll (by an unseen force most
of the time). I've been slammed and pinned to walls and ceilings, I've been
repeatdely bounced up and down on beds, I've been yanked uphill, downhill,
you name it. They are bad dreams, but you are not alone in having them.
When I say I was conscious throughout the experience, I mean in that typical, self absorbed dream consciousness we normally have till the moment I awoke. When I awoke, then I realized it was a typical dream in a typical dreamlike environment.

To me, the weird part was the experience of uncontrolled pulling "movement" or "travel" from the dream enviroment (room with chairs) back to my awake state. There was also the last second twist just before awaking. Normally I sleep on my back. In this case, I was sleeping on my side. The twist felt like realigning of my consciousness to my eyes facing sideways instead of looking upwards. The whole experience felt like a "physical" movement from dream state to awake. I felt like I was in a different place that required "physical" travel to return to my awake state.

Again the dream was nothing unusual...but the involuntary transition from asleep to awake felt like travel. That was unsual. I normally go from asleep to awake and the dream is just gone. I am not conscious of the transition. This experience was a first for me.

Also, the experience was not frightening at all...thank goodness. It wasn't pleasant or unpleasant.
Yeah, I've had things like that happen. I'll be in a dream and think something like "Oh crap. I gotta get up for work. The alarm is about to go off." Then I'll walk through a door or jump through a window, in one case I got into a car and started it (1967 Jaguar as I recall), and then I'm waking up. It doesn't happen all the time, but it's pretty neat when it does.
Jagger said:
When I say I was conscious throughout the experience, I mean in that typical, self absorbed dream consciousness we normally have till the moment I awoke. When I awoke, then I realized it was a typical dream in a typical dreamlike environment.

To me, the weird part was the experience of uncontrolled pulling "movement" or "travel" from the dream enviroment (room with chairs) back to my awake state. There was also the last second twist just before awaking. Normally I sleep on my back. In this case, I was sleeping on my side. The twist felt like realigning of my consciousness to my eyes facing sideways instead of looking upwards. The whole experience felt like a "physical" movement from dream state to awake. I felt like I was in a different place that required "physical" travel to return to my awake state.

Again the dream was nothing unusual...but the involuntary transition from asleep to awake felt like travel. That was unsual. I normally go from asleep to awake and the dream is just gone. I am not conscious of the transition. This experience was a first for me.

Also, the experience was not frightening at all...thank goodness. It wasn't pleasant or unpleasant.

As Oxygen pointed out, it's certianly not uncommon. Perhaps the unexpected
'movement' startled you and this is what actually began waking you up
startled you
i remember a few years ago when i realised i was dreaming, i was having a real scary dream that i was stuck in a town full of zombies, i kept trying to wake myself up by shouting and stuff but it didnt work. even though i knew i was dreaming it still sacerd the fuck out of me.
OverTheStars said:
Is it normal to still have hallucinations from a dream when you wake up?

Lol thats fucking weird when that happens,you wake up and still hear voices,i once woke up to see money on my pillow,went to grab it and it disapeared before i even moved my arm,i sometimes wake up and see people just static in my room for a few seconds.

They call it hypnogogic,i get that on the way to falling asleep where im lying there resting,perfectly awake as far as i can tell and i hear shouting and voices.

Its not always 100% normal,it can be a symptom of narcolepsy.
SKULLZ said:
Lol thats fucking weird when that happens,you wake up and still hear voices,i once woke up to see money on my pillow,went to grab it and it disapeared before i even moved my arm,i sometimes wake up and see people just static in my room for a few seconds.

They call it hypnogogic,i get that on the way to falling asleep where im lying there resting,perfectly awake as far as i can tell and i hear shouting and voices.

Its not always 100% normal,it can be a symptom of narcolepsy.

I am not sure there is a person out there whom has not experiecned a
hypnogogic halluciation. If this assertion is true then narcolepsy or not
it is a normal event (even though narcolepsy itself is not... poor souls
falling asleep while walking... i've seen narcoleptic puppies, it was sad but
extremely entertaining).
What i meant was is that a narcoleptic suffers sleep paralysis,hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations very frequently,like every day,sometimes in the middle of doing things.

I mean by your argument heart palpitations are always normal just cos everyone gets them,
well thats true,its also true that frequent heart palpitations might mean you have heart failure.

At the end of the day,if you start getting something frequently,see a doctor,if i started getting sleep paralysis every night id be straight to the clinic to get a brain scan or something,im not gonna go "oh well its normal people get it so im ok" im gonna be shitting my pants.
SKULLZ said:
What i meant was is that a narcoleptic suffers sleep paralysis,hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations very frequently,like every day,sometimes in the middle of doing things.

I mean by your argument heart palpitations are always normal just cos everyone gets them,
well thats true,its also true that frequent heart palpitations might mean you have heart failure.

At the end of the day,if you start getting something frequently,see a doctor,if i started getting sleep paralysis every night id be straight to the clinic to get a brain scan or something,im not gonna go "oh well its normal people get it so im ok" im gonna be shitting my pants.

Ahh I see, were talkin' crazy high frequency of hypnogigic hallucination.
Well that would make sense as a symptom, I mean you're poppin in and
out of REM sleep all day long then all the other associated sleep phenomenoa
are going to be bound to it.