

Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I can't keep up with all this posts.
It's meaningless trying to prove something that can only be experienced by oneself.

I'm not answering all the posts.
You know my Philosophy.
It works perfectly for me.

I know my Truth, I trust myself, I have peace in my mind and in my Heart and that is what's important.

One of the existing Philosophies that can be compared to mine and I didn't talked about it yet is Sufism. Perhaps is the closest to mine... Look it up...:

Very good ones:

Mixed with Science...:

I will let you more to other enlightned people such as Banshee and other people that is in the path... many to cite here... :)

I'm not stoping posting, I'm just stoping saying the same thing on and on... for your replies are always the same eventhough I continue trying to explain...


Have a nice day... :)

I'm not quitting. I'm just giving more attention for those who want to LISTEN to me...

Ah I see, you can't take the heat and you've chosen to preach to the converted who won't question what you say.

You don't want to debate, you really do just want a fan club.

If your ideas cannot withstand critical scrutiny then that should indicate to you that you may well not have reached any truths yet.

Perhaps if you posted less frequently and spent more time researching and finding support for your ideas then you would not be overwhelmed with criticisms that you can't handle.

Why not try for well considered quality posts rather than low quality skimpy unsupported vagueness and baseless assertions?


Perhaps if you posted less frequently and spent more time researching and finding support for your ideas then you would not be overwhelmed with criticisms that you can't handle.
I can handle with them...
I just have no time anymore...
My homestay parents unfortunatly forbidden me to stay in the computer more than one hour a day...
That's why I'm not answering all of them...

Why not try for well considered quality posts rather than low quality skimpy unsupported vagueness and baseless assertions?

I won't even talk about YOURS... :D:D

Excuse me... my hour has almost gone...


One hour only per day!!

OK you have my deepest sympathies. It is a restriction that I would never dream to impose on my teenage daughters.


I won't even talk about YOURS...
Yes, I understand. I have been told that I often set very advanced challenges. But don't worry, in a few decades, if you try really really very hard you might just be able to reach my exalted level of wisdom.


I'll still give you my quarter. Are you going to make vauge universal statements about life?
<i>I'm just giving more attention for those who want to LISTEN to me... </i>

Starting up a cult, preaching to the converted?

No I didn't misunderstand you, I was just teasing you a little. Sorry kiddo.

I say most things with a smile on my face, but no one can see me on a website like this.
I can't keep up with all this posts.

Why not, gibberish has no limits.

It's meaningless trying to prove something that can only be experienced by oneself.

For most, that's not true. But I can understand why it would be so in your case.

I'm not answering all the posts.

And who may I ask is supposed to give a flying f---?

You know my Philosophy.
It works perfectly for me.

And it will continue to do so right up to the moment when your gray matter finally gets activated and you begin to realize what does work in reality. Fantasy can work for anybody at anytime.

I know my Truth, I trust myself, I have peace in my mind and in my Heart and that is what's important.

Well good for you. I hope it's not too disappointing when reality finally comes crashing down on your little fantasy world.

I will let you more to other enlightned people such as Banshee and other people that is in the path... many to cite here...

Instead, why don't you just email the "enlightened" your fantasies and save everyone else the trouble.

I'm not stoping posting, I'm just stoping saying the same thing on and on... for your replies are always the same eventhough I continue trying to explain...

I'm not surprised you haven't figured out that gibberish will always be met with the same replies.

However, one thing is perfectly clear, and that is the reason for this thread. You're feeling the need for another puerile ego boost and are fishing for compliments. An absolutely pathetic display of selfishness and irresponsibility, again.

It needed saying, and I'd run out of energy to say it again.
TruthSeeker: This person is on your Ignore List.

Ahhhh... the same sweet relaxation as drawing down on a fatty. In truth, with all of Nelson's trivial interruptions removed, there is no discernable change in the overall content of any thread; imagine that. I should have followed my instincts back in the beginning of February when the tally was only seventy-six. So let me revise it now: 1190 posts and nothing to say.
Originally posted by (Q)
You're feeling the need for another puerile ego boost and are fishing for compliments.
A quarter for Q.
A link for Truthseeker.


That little (expletive deleted) has posted over a thousand (expletive deleted) times in 2 (expletive deleted) months? What the (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) is that about? Get a (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) life you (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted)!!!

Just drop an anvil on him.
YOU GIVE UP! tht is the first sign your unconditional love theory can't take the critique and you have found tht to be true.... you are AFARID to know the true , Seeker....I won't call you TRUTH seeker.

I have come to a conclusion tht all religions have one thing in common----FEAR---- it seems tht you have tht too and if it is so , then I don't think your unconditional love theory could be called a theory.....rewrite it to -assumption or bible;)

I'm dissapointed in you....sorry....

See Ya when you grow up maybe and come back...