resposible pit bull owners


Registered Member
:bugeye: they say pit bulls are mean. the allso say that boxers are not. here it is a dog of any breed provoked or raised in a bad enviroment is a capable of beeing mean. we as pit bull owners should show the world that yes i have a pit bull but the dog is nice enough to bring out in public and around kids. my girl is 7 years old she has been raised around kids, infants, people of other ethnics still to this day she has not been of any worry. these dogs are smart and caring. they will be your best friend and protector. while driving in my car we pulled up to a light and this person tried to jump in my car brandy my dog let that person know he is in the wrong and kept the intruder away. she did not atack violently or such just growled showing teeth , her point was made very clear. me and friend were walking and a stray waled up to us brandy kept in between us and the dog the dog went after my dog she took the mutt down and held it there till the mutt gave in then she let it go . my dog is very timid looking and big she still didn't hurt the dog. these dogs are big babies who will protect on their own instinct. my neice jumps on brandy like she is a toy animal, tugging on ears all kinds of torment and she still waggs her tail when the kids come over. i take her to th e dog park allot and she loves it small dogs to big ones she plays and runs around with no problems. show some interest inthese dogs. myself i can only have two kinds of dogs do to allergies one a cockapoo the other a pit bull me beeing a guy and drive custom car i chose the big baby. :D
problem is...not all pitt bull owners are resposible. here in iowa, it's usually people like hilly-billy jack, who drinks all night long and sleeps all day just to avoid mowing his 4 ft. high lawn, that owns the pitt bulls that bite off the faces of mail men and little kids.
hill billy jim has all kinds of dogs

:bugeye: like i was saying not all illresposible owners have what we stereo type as aggressive dogs. and those dogs are the ones that should proclaim responsable pit bull owners to be in the good light.