

Registered Senior Member
It is widely accepted that respect is something that has to be earned.
Is that how it works? Or do you respect someone from the start until he or she does something unforgivable?

Should respect be deserved or taken for granted?
Respect must be earned. My default behavior for people I don't know is one of what might be called "common respect", or "common decency". I won't steal your stuff, I won't beat you up, I'll treat you like an intelligent, rational human being until you behave otherwise. But to ask me to defer to you, you'd damn well better be worth deferring to.

Define respect. Is it necessarily deferring to someone? Or is it just treating someone with civility?
I'm not quite sure I understand the sentiment of respect. Not sure I have ever properly felt it as such. Generally I tend to display behavior that is considered respectful when what I am feeling is fear, or intellectual knowledge that someone has something I want, or could do something to hurt me. Is there an actual emotion, a respect feeling? I suppose there are similar feelings I am familiar with, admiration, maybe reverence to some degree, protectiveness. When I think of respect, though, the first thing that comes to mind is pretension, which I really cant stand. So if someone "demands respect" it really sours me, but ill act respectful because demanding respect sounds a lot like a threat, and I do hate conflict.
Oxygen said:
Define respect.

I see respect as having willingness to show consideration towards other people and treat them the way you'd like to be treated. Defined as such, does respect have to be earned?
Circe said:
I see respect as having willingness to show consideration towards other people and treat them the way you'd like to be treated. Defined as such, does respect have to be earned?

Well what you describe is common decency towards secondary relationships. Common decency that is sorely lacking today.

Respect to me is, somewhat, synonymous with trust. I trust those I respect but I also respect those who I do not generally trust simply because not enough time has passed, but in whatever little time that has passed they have shown themselves to be exemplary beings.

I guess you could say there are different levels of respect. Professional and personal.....personal respect is entirely more tougher to give and easier to lose whereas Professional respect is given rather quickly solely on an individual's credentials and evaluation of their skills.
I am courteous to anyone who is courteous to me, but respect is something that must be earned.
Yeah, I guess respect is something that has to be earned. It's just easier for different types of respect to be earned. For example, as a guitarist, I find Roy Clark's talent unsurpassed (sorry, Jimi, but until I hear you play 'Foggy Mountain Breakdown', which would probably sound pretty friggin' cool, you gotta get in line behind Roy). In matter concerning stringed instruments, he has my utmost respect. The bum who was sitting on the street corner holding a sign that said "Why lie? I want a beer." I gave him a bit of respect for his honesty. I also gave him money for his beer. I respect my brother-in-law because I've personally seen how hard he busts his ass to provide for his family (congrats on the purchase of your own house, Stormy). But my current boss isn't anywhere near getting much respect from me. He's a nice guy and all, but he's not much of a leader. I show up, I do my job, I get my pay. I'm not dedicated enough to pull overtime or do much more than what is required of my position. My last boss had my respect because he was a leader. I'd pull overtime and not even charge him for it. He inspired confidence in us and helped his employees to attain even their personal goals, and I'd follow him through Hell if he asked. It was very easy to overlook his shortcomings.

So, yeah, I guess I'd have to agree that respect needs to be earned. How hard you make it to earn is up to you.
Okay, Andy. Maybe you can answer this. She sings:

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me,

Then what the heck is that mumbo-jumbo that follows? "Get some PCP"? I don't listen to the song that much, so I don't get to analyze the lyrics. (Also, the radio stations played that one so many friggin' times I'm sick of it.) Any help on the lyrics?