Requirements for believing in God


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
Requirements for believing in God

Often times, we hear we should believe in God, but few times is it worked out what it actually takes to believe in God - what the requirements for believing in God are. Myself having consistently failed to believe in God, I investigated how come.

So here's a number of requirements for believing in God that I have collected over time. Each one of these requirements seems to be a sufficient requirement. Some requirements can even be in combination with other ones.

For better readability, here's a list, in no particular order:

1. Divine intervention.

2. Being a member of a special species which apriori believes in God, or apriori possesses the ability to believe in God.

3. Holding the stance that true happiness can come only by an act of God, and that a person by themselves is ultimately powerless in the pursuit of true happiness.

4. Giving up one's scientific, experiential and philosophical competence. (This can be done in free will, or due to mental illness.)

5. Irrational action due to basic existential fear.

6. Social conditioning to believe in God and deem no other option as acceptable.

7. Omniscience of all options available in this Universe, and holding the stance that belief in God is the best one among them.

Can you think of any other requirement?
Requirements for believing in God

Often times, we hear we should believe in God, but few times is it worked out what it actually takes to believe in God - what the requirements for believing in God are. Myself having consistently failed to believe in God, I investigated how come.

So here's a number of requirements for believing in God that I have collected over time. Each one of these requirements seems to be a sufficient requirement. Some requirements can even be in combination with other ones.

For better readability, here's a list, in no particular order:

1. Divine intervention.

2. Being a member of a special species which apriori believes in God, or apriori possesses the ability to believe in God.

3. Holding the stance that true happiness can come only by an act of God, and that a person by themselves is ultimately powerless in the pursuit of true happiness.

4. Giving up one's scientific, experiential and philosophical competence. (This can be done in free will, or due to mental illness.)

5. Irrational action due to basic existential fear.

6. Social conditioning to believe in God and deem no other option as acceptable.

7. Omniscience of all options available in this Universe, and holding the stance that belief in God is the best one among them.

Can you think of any other requirement?

8. Stupidity.
Mental retardation is an essential part of beleiving in the absurd and for falling for such childish reasoning.

The terror of the unknown and the desperate need to continue existing even after the inevitable end, constitutes a fundamental part of belief in the Absolute.
10. Desire to be imortal and believes the promise of eternal life.

11. Womb conditioning. The primeval emotion of wanting to be protected and to feel secured by a father figure.

12. Cannot accept that non-existence is a possibility (might be covered by (5)).
13. Honesty.

14. Childlike trust.

15. Humility.

16. Accepting the fact oneself is not God, therefore not free to think and act according to ones own knowledge, perceptions, feelings, and understandings.

17. Awareness that Death is unnatural... that Life and Immortality are ones birthright.
18. Humiliation.

19. Reluctance or refusal to admit the effort invested in praying, studying, talking etc. about God, is in vain.

For reference to 18 and 19:

/I/f learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless, pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned". source

20. Spiritual/philosophical desperation and exhaustion. Finding oneself at a point where one thinks one cannot afford (another) spiritual /philosophical crisis or fiasco. - So the person adheres to whatever their current spiritual/philosophical system is, however they have arrived at it.