Republicans Posing as Democrats


source: keith1 (free use)
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Unfortunately this is not at all uncommon for Republicans. Their leaders have encouraged them to vote as Democrats in state primary elections in order to nominate the weaker Democrat for the general election.

Republicans cannot run on reason or fact, so they have to resort to dirty tricks, deception and lies. Unfortunately, they are damn good at dirty tricks and deception - going way back to President Nixon and Watergate.
Sorry not copywrite, I ment to say trademark infringement, why don't the democrats just take them to court do false use of there trademark?
I don't believe that's an issue here as the judge already approved it. They are a politcal party not a business so the same rules don't really apply.
How odd, we had a related issue here a while ago, bob katter wanted to call his party the "Australia party" which the electrol commission refused because a) it was to vauge and b) it could be easerly confused with other parties (Australian Labour Party, Australian Sex party etc), there was another issue where members of the labour party were handing out how to vote cards which said "put your FAMILY FIRST" and said to put FF 1 and ALP 2 (FF are far right wing nutjobs so they would never put ALP 2) and the ALP were in serious hot water with the SAEC over it. Party names are brands just like coke is and to be honest It's much more important to protect there brands than it is coke. if cokes brand is infringed they just lose a little money, if a political party's brand is then democracy itself is at risk (how can voting be informed of you can't tell who your voting for)
How odd, we had a related issue here a while ago, bob katter wanted to call his party the "Australia party" which the electrol commission refused because a) it was to vauge and b) it could be easerly confused with other parties (Australian Labour Party, Australian Sex party etc), there was another issue where members of the labour party were handing out how to vote cards which said "put your FAMILY FIRST" and said to put FF 1 and ALP 2 (FF are far right wing nutjobs so they would never put ALP 2) and the ALP were in serious hot water with the SAEC over it. Party names are brands just like coke is and to be honest It's much more important to protect there brands than it is coke. if cokes brand is infringed they just lose a little money, if a political party's brand is then democracy itself is at risk (how can voting be informed of you can't tell who your voting for)

It's bit more problematic then that though. You are allowed to change parties and infact it has been done legitimately many times in the past. Anyone can claim that they have had a change of heart and flip sides. Since you can't read their mind the only way you can prove them wrong is by their voting record, which they will not have until they are in office. Even then all they have to do is vote with the democrats 50.01% of the time. It will more then likely be even higher then that as the only time the republican party needs their vote is on certain hot button issues. All they have to do is claim to be a conservitive democrat (they exist as do liberal republicans, many would have considered Romney to be one until this election stuff) and they would be in clear for any legal trouble.
Umm sure you can change parties if the Party lets you join. It's more common for someone to resign from a party than to join one here, there's 2 in the federal parliament currently who resigned, one from the libs and one from labour but I have never herd of anyone joining the other side. However from what your saying the parties don't actually exist in the US the way they do here, to be a memeber of a party you have to actually be preselected by the party (and there are membership rules). The parties also have non parliamentary arms