Reptilian/Alamagordo connection?


killer of terrorists
Registered Senior Member
Morning everyone!!!!!! I hate rushing but i cant be late for funeral detail but wanted to post this idea. I was reading the site Mana posted on another thread and they were talking about the fires in N.M. and all the radiation from the training grounds. There was the idea of a conspiracy in that last July the govt sent a fax to someone in Art Bell about a possible evacuation of that area due to fire. Now i started to think about possible reasons the govt would want to create a possible threat to N.M. knowing of all the nuclear/radioactive waste in the testing grounds there. Many of you know of the alleged Reptilian base said to be in Dulce, now the govt has been trying to destroy this race for some time now, what better way to cover-up said destruction or the facts that they are there then with a radioactive brush fire.......Just something to think about. If they would destroy a whole plane full of people to cover-up what one man knows why not a whole state to cover up an alien race?
Love and Light and have a great day I'll post more as i learn it

Eric Cooper
Only problem with that is Dulce is almost a hundred miles away from Los Alamos. I don't necessarily disagree with your view, but there is another possibility...the fire was started by someone other than the Park Service. These guys may just be convenient patsies.

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
Ok, but consider the fact that it may still evacuate the area they require empty and the fact of radiation contamination may be all that they need to cover up the base,destroy the race whatever it is. I just think its pathetic. Yes the Govt did set deliberately for some reason as i know damn well the park service isn't that stupid. Smoky the bear says only you........

Eric Cooper
Yes, but the US is sacrificing one of its own facilities; if in fact the act was deliberate. I dunno what to think about it. The whole situation is kind of weird and I agree that the park service cannot be that dumb to have started the 'controlled' burn in the first place against the advice of the NWS. Have to keep an eye on what happens I suppose.

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
Just read a story at CNN web site dated yesterday. It said that it was not immediately clear as to who gave permission to start the fire because the names on the 'application' had been blacked out. That was quick damage control!! Seems like there are also a lot of 'no comment' coming from official sources as well. Curiouser and curiouser I tells ya.
Not too curiouser. There's gonna be one helluva lawsuit here. As far as who set the fire, I can't buy any conspiracy theories except that whoever authorized the burn is trying like crazy to cover his or her butt. I mean, come on! The forestry department is staffed by humans, an admittedly flawed organism. Isn't it possible that some just made an error in judgement? Okay, it was a costly error, but let's talk Chicago, ca. 1871. For the longest time, Mrs. O'Leary's cow was blamed. Turns out, however, that some guys were sneaking a game of cards in the barn, got carried away and knocked over a kerosene lamp they had been using. This was taken from a deathbed confession from a man who claimed to have been there. They started the rumor about the cow and this man spent the rest of his life living with the guilt. Their pact was that they would stay in touch and whoever was the last one alive would confess from his deathbed so that none of them would have to pick up the tab. Can you imagine having to foot the bill for that blaze? So now Los Alamos gets torched by the same lapse in judgement that told the guys in 1871 that goofing around in a hay-filled barn while a kerosene lamp sat nearby was okay.

The only conspiracy I see is the reported blacking out of names, but even that is explicable. CNN would not have the original report, they would be given a copy with such private information as names blacked out. This part of the "innocent until proven guilty" deal that we got when we declared our independence from England. If the media had any names to attach firmly to the blaze, can you imagine what they would do to the poor sucker? Guilty or innocent, he would know no peace. He would be tried and executed in the media long before any investigators released their findings. Then they'd try to tie him to the North Rim blaze at the Grand Canyon and the circus would begin all over again.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
If every covered up name was not covered and every public misdeed would be exposed, we would be miles closer to a far more perfect society. So it is not only such coverup, but no least than this.
Hi everyone!

Ok Reptilians? Had exams for the last 2 months....must have missed all this stuff... Courtney Brown reptilians aliens??

Confused please educate me.,...feel really dumb and obsolete.
Come on people. We all need a reality check.

For gods sake, the secret government that nobody knows exists (except of course, for the people on this board who know everything that us paeons dont) forced the park service to start a blaze to wipe out an alien race?

And the only evidence for this is some rumor you heard about a secret crocodile plot to take over the world located a 100 miles away, plus a couple of confidential names?

You all need to get a life.