Report of UFO landing in New Zealand

So theres that and also, whats up with the other article about UFO's on this site. I'm not so sure its a very legitimate site. very conspiracy theory-y.

What could a UFO really want with New Zealand?
I haven't seen anything about it in the news. The Kaikoura Incident is probably the best documented UFO sighting in NZ.
Google: Kaikoura incident
UFOs are a real phenomena. They've been seen by countless thousands of people from all walks of life. They've been tracked on radar, left ground traces, burnt humans, and played cat and mouse with fighter aircraft. They've been seen to appear before power blackouts as well as being present during malfunctions of nucleur weapons. Still the debunkers spout the usual line of there being no evidence and coming up with completely ludicrous ways of explaining them away. Just because your minds refuse to accept the possibility that these are intelligently controlled craft of a non human origin won't make it any less real. Whatever it is they are, they are here and they don't appear to be going away.
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UFOs are a real phenomena. They've been seen by countless thousands of people from all walks of life. They've been tracked on radar, left ground traces, burnt humans, and played cat and mouse with fighter aircraft. They've been seen to appear before power blackouts as well as being present during malfunctions of nucleur weapons. Still the debunkers spout the usual line of there being no evidence and coming up with completely ludicrous ways of explaining them away. Just because your minds refuse to accept the possibility that these are intelligently controlled craft of a non human origin won't make it any less real. Whatever is they are, they are here and they don't appear to be going away.

I, for one, would like to see you provide credible evidence of your statement that I highlighted above. And even though there's no doubt in any sane mind that lots of things have been seen that weren't identified, it's a HUGE leap of faith from that simple truth to your other woo-woo statement of "non-human origin." :bugeye:
Doh! Nuclear not nucleur! Stupid typos.

I'm sure you know about the events to which I'm refering to and you also know that I only have the word of the people involved. However, I'm personally willing to take their statements at face value. I don't see why these people would lie about such a thing and taken with everything else that's occurred in the modern age of UFOs, I do think that it's probably likely to be true. Let's say that, even though I have no proof, I've made a judgement as to which I think is the most likely truth. Either it did happen or it didn't. I personally happen to think that the most likely truth in this matter appears to me that, yes, it did indeed happen. However, I'm fully prepared to admit that there may be more to those two incidents that I am aware of.
Personally, I think everyone has to answer this question for themselves personally. It is a personal issue. If you study government and power, you understand this issue. You have to be open minded.

Some people on here labor under the delusion that the most powerful interest groups and government organizations on the planet are going to let the world's populations know about the state of the art in technology. Those of us who are more intelligent know better. Since the beginning of civilization, the most powerful groups among men have always sequestered away the best that mankind has, be it the best in resources, or what would be termed occult or esoteric knowledge. This gives them, their progeny, and their interest groups a better chance at directing the affairs of human civilization. When ever, and if ever contact has been made, the fruits of this knowledge, if any benefits could come of it, would be jealously guarded by the rich and the powerful if they were to believe that some benefit could be derived for them and theirs.

I have already posted very compelling evidence. This evidence was published by credible sources. Yet, it was not widely circulated, and has not been widely known. It is for the intelligent and discerning alone. I am not here to quarrel, debate, or even argue about something that I know to be the truth. The intellectual and cultural elites have for over half a century now been conditioning the industrial and technical societies to accept that we are not alone. So now the masses are ready to accept the possibility, they see it in their movies and television shows daily. It is only the skeptics, educated at the University level, those who are denied access to the state of the art, who cannot conceive of multidimensionality, who are the ones who will be most incredulous. Pretty ironic if you ask me.

Scientific Evidence of Extra Terrestrials

Ring Makers of Saturn
Doh! Nuclear not nucleur! Stupid typos.

I'm sure you know about the events to which I'm refering to and you also know that I only have the word of the people involved. However, I'm personally willing to take their statements at face value. I don't see why these people would lie about such a thing and taken with everything else that's occurred in the modern age of UFOs, I do think that it's probably likely to be true. Let's say that, even though I have no proof, I've made a judgement as to which I think is the most likely truth. Either it did happen or it didn't. I personally happen to think that the most likely truth in this matter appears to me that, yes, it did indeed happen. However, I'm fully prepared to admit that there may be more to those two incidents that I am aware of.

What the Esotericist posted in this thread, is about right in regards to motives behind secrecy of different technology. But to conclude or speculate that some alien creatures from another world are involved is not necessary, and not true.
The knowledge involved in producing special life forms and other crafts is nearly as old as the earth, and has been revived from time to time.
The fascination as well as hoaxes and delusions about UFO's etc are quite overwhelming, yet sane recognitions and witnessing has also taken place on a regular basis. The lack of scientific explanation and sceptics is only a reflection of ignorance. A careful study of scientific theory and education reveals that it is designed to clamp any research into what men can do with matter/nature.
If you find UFO web sites confusing and ridiculous now, imagine what people will think when it is made public with an agenda of some kind.

The technology is impossible for the average person, let alone an educated one to grasp. It means that those who have been exposed to it, have no support or verification - whatsoever. And they are counted among the insane. This is possibly more cruel than the exposure.

This kind of technology has been used in the past to control populations, to use people and to seriously abuse them. But wise people in the past have also taught their own how to fight and defend themselves, with success.

People who think it is fascinating and interesting are foolish and deceived.
Really, UFOs just refer to Unidentified Flying Objects, so it doesn't directly relate to aliens. In reality, I think these are just military tests flights that were not meant to be seen, but were seen anyways. These test flights were classified so they just had to make some story up. Though if they are aliens it would be interesting.
I also agree with you that UFO means Unidentified Flying Objects and it means these are not related to aliens.
They were probably just coming to pick up Bells.



I am surprised you find the time to post these days, Geoff. I take it you are able to squeeze in some time between watching Jersey Shore and a lonely housewife reality show of some kind?...:)