Remote Viewing

ralph nader

I have sucessully remotely viewed the entire globe as of last night at 1140.

I will be posting the maps of my findings as soon as they can be processed.
remote viewing/astral projection the same thing pretty much. do a search for astral projection on google, and see what comes up
You have to meditate a whole lot and be a very centerd person. It also helps if you are high on a deadly cocktail of drugs at the time, you see a lot of stuff when you're high.
and what exactly was I supposed to get out of reading that? I went all through the content in that link, but still can't understand why you posted it. Just like wasting my time?
More than anything it costed you some credibility, if you just post links to threads that have no relavance to the topic, how likely am I to bother listening to your opinion at all?

The USA did indeed have remote viewing and psychic assassination projects for decades, perhaps they still do. I have no idea if any them ever produced any verifiable results.

The CIA's project MK-Ultra was disbanded in 1973 when people learned of its existence. Actually it was simply renamed several times.

A while ago a chap named David Morehouse went public, claiming to have been involved in such projects, but the moment he did so he was hit by a massive campaign to discredit him.
Ahh, well I guess that makes more sense, but then it still doesn’t do anything to add to his credibility, haha. Remember, folks, you can’t get away with spouting pipe dreams as fact. There needs to be some sort of-listen closely-evidence.

My credibility cannot be defined by you.You are nothing who could do that...But thats you anyways,so i dont mind ;)...I posted this because you posted something about drugs,Only to point out that Drugs like those are released within the brain itself of everyone,you dont need any external source to do it.Anyway thanks Spookz for giving the pointer to the thread...

Originally posted by Mystech
There needs to be some sort of-listen closely-evidence.

ahh! a diehard empiricist! just for the fun of it, mystech, prove to me that you are not dreaming.