Remote Viewing Technology

Pink Joker

Registered Member
Book Review: Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat.

What you think about remote viewing? Is it just imagination in some people heads? Or is it valid use, that can be used of somekind of control device, to control minds, perhaps targetting against criminals

Who is this Tim Rafat who knows or thinks so, about soviet and US, RV programs?

His book table of contents is amazing

INTRODUCTION .............................................. 1
Psychic Spying

ONE - The History of Soviet Remote Viewing ................ 5

[Eleanor White talking: This is *THE* chapter for
information leading up to today's advanced ESP/paranormal-
level psychotronic weapons.]

Psychotronic boosting of psychic spying
Eyeless sight
Military psi
Psychic bugging
Psychic proof bases
Psychic spying in warfare
Amplifying psi
Kirlian fields and psychic spying
The telepathic knockout
Psychic batteries
Psychotronic mind control
Psychic/remote killing
Psi in present-day Russia
ESP in the Soviet Union
Psychic viewing of the dead
The science of curses
Soviet mind control
Russia today

TWO - US Psi Spies and Remote Viewing ..................... 31

[Eleanor White talking: Unfortunately, this chapter two
does not come close to chapter one above as being a "meat
and potatoes" source of mind-control-relevant information.
A few excerpts are transcribed here below.]

The 'eight Martini effect' [very advanced results]
US paranoia at the Soviet psi project
America gears up for psychic war
America's super psychic spy
Project Grill Flame
Remote viewing expands in scope
Ex-President Carter reveals the US remote viewing programme
The remote viewing story unfolds
Out-of-body remote viewing
'Psychic trees'
Chinese psi
Amplifying remote viewing
Ingo Swann's remote viewing protocols
Remote viewing spreads out
Occult remote viewing
The black sheep of the remote viewing programme
The twilight years of military remote viewing
Present-day psi research

THREE - The Scientific Basis of Remote Viewing ........... 67

[Eleanor White talking: This chapter I find a bit
disappointing. It is rather light on easily understood,
"how it works" science, which quantum mechanics isn't for
most readers, myself included.]

Electromagnetic fields
Time travel
Electronic enhancement of remote viewing
Brain rhythms
Extending the human life span
Psychic mind control - remote influencing
Alternative healing
Quantum reality
Schrodinger's cat
Morphogenetic fields, life-shaping energy fields
Biophysical consciousness - the spirit in the machine
A dualistic reality
Neural Darwinism
Learning remote viewing
Activating remote viewing
Group remote viewing

FOUR - How to Teach Yourself Remote Viewing .............. 89

Controlled remote viewing (CRV)
Extended remote viewing (ERV)
CRV training protocols
Monitored controlled remote viewing
Reducing stress levels to initiate remote viewing
Remote viewing protocols to begin to use ERV
Advanced ERV
Protocols for amplification of ERV and other
paranormal abilities
Checklist of protocols to begin ERV
Super advanced ERV protocols (only for the serious student)

FIVE - The Cinema Method ................................. 124

Harnessing the habit of watching TV and films
Directed attention
The sixth sense
The brain hemispheres
Checklist of protocols for the cinema method

SIX - MEMES: New Mental Software to Operate .............. 147
Remote Viewing Programmes

Positive memes
The basic memes of business warfare
The remote viewing operator
Implications of meme programming and remote viewing
Summary of the basic protocols for using remote viewing
in business (for serious students)

SEVEN - Remote Viewing of Distant Locations .............. 175

US extended remote viewing
Russian extended remote viewing
Improving the signal-to-noise ratio in remote viewing
Advanced remote viewing using the supplementary motor area
Summary of remote viewing protocols

EIGHT - Remote Sensing and Telekinesis ................... 193

Remote sensing

NINE - Remote Influencing ................................ 208

Military use of remote influencing
Mind over matter
Modern-day remote influencing
Mind control endemic in the UK
The science of remote influencing
Remote killing
Remote influencing at the start of the new millenium

TEN - An introductory Guide to Practical Remote Sensing .. 234
and Remote Influencing

Protocols to activate remote sensing
Pathways of attention
Remote influencing
Protocol for simple remote influencing

CONCLUSION ............................................... 242

Further Reading

Well the Remote Viewing Phenomena is very Real..

There was indeed a CIA project studying this matters, its declassified and public knowledge..

About the Soviets trying to develop "psychic" technologies is true too

The question that skeptics still ask is it really worked or was just a trick of the mind..

The USA Government funded this project for more than 20 years, once you get hold of the current data, studies and experimental proof you'll see that is one of the "pseudocience" areas that as more proof and is more close to be real.

Nowadays there are schools in USA that teach plenty RV methods. According to statistics and other hard data RV does work, and can be teached to anyone even if this person never had any psi experience.

Im not trying to sell anything here, you can get Free manuals all over the internet.. Im a self learner and Remote Viewing does work most of the time but its not that easy and dont believe in the fantasy that you can see clearly the RV target.

If you want to talk to people that do this, and what to learn or just read more about it you can check these public forums, and other links you can find there:

Hope to be of any help, cya!:)
This is an "Eleanor White Book Review". Such reviews are not like what you see in the print media. My emphasis is to provide enough information that a mind control victim or supporter can make an intelligent decision as to whether to buy the book (or borrow it). This means most of the reviews are excerpted text, with comments inserted. This type of review is biased in favor of information relevant to mind control technology, and possible countermeasure experiments.
So, its a biased review of a biased book. In other words, don't expect any facts.

CIA did have a project, and they discontinued it because they did not get results (not that such a little thing as wasting money needs deter the CIA).

There are no scientifically sound tests with positive results in existence.

Edited to add: The term "remote viewing technology" is an oxymoron. Whatever remote viewing is, it is NOT a technology.

Hans :bugeye:
Originally posted by MRC_Hans

CIA did have a project, and they discontinued it because they did not get results (not that such a little thing as wasting money needs deter the CIA).


afaik cia ended the project because there was no actual need for it after the cold war ended , though it is possible that they did continue the project and that naturaly we do not know about it