Remarried christians living in adultery?

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
You won't hear any sermons about THIS in churches. Wonder why? lol!

Romans 7:

2 "For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. 3 So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man."

"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery," (Matt. 19:9).
In the Catholic Church, one needs to have his/her marriage annulled if he/she wishes to marry (again) in the Church. An annulment is "the marriage that never was." It basically states that a marriage was never valid to begin with so poof! It never existed.

I'm being simple, it's honestly a complex process and not "granted" to anyone and everyone.

Anyways! ;)
In the Catholic Church, one needs to have his/her marriage annulled if he/she wishes to marry (again) in the Church. An annulment is "the marriage that never was." It basically states that a marriage was never valid to begin with so poof! It never existed.

I'm being simple, it's honestly a complex process and not "granted" to anyone and everyone.

Anyways! ;)

If the marriage was never valid to begin with, then that means all the sex they had while married was really fornication and any children they had are bastards conceived illegitimately. Does the Catholic Church enforce that as well? That's alot of hail Mary's! On a related note, I heard masturbation is considered a sin in the CC. Do catholic males have to confess THAT every time they do it? How embarrassing. :eek:
All I can say without more research is the what the Lord joins together let no man tear asunder.
That means to me a marriage is made in Heaven not in the bedroom.

The children of such "unions" are not considered illegitimate, because the marriage had legal status. In the eyes of the RCC, however, the marriage was not "valid." That's all the Church is concerned with, legalities are separate.

Relating to is considered to be a "disordered" act. But "sins" in the RCC are broken up into two categories...venial and mortal. Mortal sins are those that could land one in hell, if one is unrepentant. So...who when he/she masturbates...doesn't do so um er ...deliberately? :eek: We are leaving that right there. lol

But, honestly ...the time I spent as an active Catholic, I'd say were memorable in a good's not all about fire and brimstone. I've met some of the kindest priests over the years.

There's good and bad ...everywhere. True story.
All I can say without more research is the what the Lord joins together let no man tear asunder.
That means to me a marriage is made in Heaven not in the bedroom.

Yeah, that's why 55% of "Christians" are divorced. Lol
Yeah, that's why 55% of "Christians" are divorced. Lol
So are you saying 55% of Christian marriages end up in divorce? What God joins together God can take apart. I don't believe all marriages were always going to be forever. I have spent heaps of time agonizing over this issue. Solomon had 300 wives didn't he. That sounds like a solution. So maybe it isn't the number but the attitude to your former partners.
So are you saying 55% of Christian marriages end up in divorce? What God joins together God can take apart. I don't believe all marriages were always going to be forever. I have spent heaps of time agonizing over this issue. Solomon had 300 wives didn't he. That sounds like a solution. So maybe it isn't the number but the attitude to your former partners.

It's a common stat, the 55%. It might be less than that now, but it's up there. I don't judge any of that, honestly.

But...did you know that the concept of marriage did not start as a religious concept?

You know, I can't help but wonder...are we (humankind) meant to be monogamous? It just doesn't seem like humanity is inherently cut out for it. :eek:
It's a common stat, the 55%. It might be less than that now, but it's up there. I don't judge any of that, honestly.

But...did you know that the concept of marriage did not start as a religious concept?

You know, I can't help but wonder...are we (humankind) meant to be monogamous? It just doesn't seem like humanity is inherently cut out for it. :eek:
Very interesting article, and this bit was fascinating too
"The rules were so strict that any American woman who married a foreigner immediately lost her citizenship." Does that rule still apply? Therefore is Obama a USA citizen or Kenyan for his father was Kenyan?
Yeah, that's why 55% of "Christians" are divorced. Lol

That tells us not many of us have fear of God , we are selfish as the other bastards and the purpose of the scripture to teach us how to have self control , that means man and woman
That tells us not many of us have fear of God , we are selfish as the other bastards and the purpose of the scripture to teach us how to have self control , that means man and woman
But why live in misery? I think there is a time for every purpose under Heaven. There is a time to say "I've had enough of this shit", and go ahead and divorce the bastard.
But why live in misery? I think there is a time for every purpose under Heaven. There is a time to say "I've had enough of this shit", and go ahead and divorce the bastard.

Moses sent his wife back to Jethro. I say to my sons If you get married get yourself a woman that have fear of God , If both party have fear of God they will tolerate each other even they might not like in that moment . I don't remember were is written " before the sun goes down we have to resolve our difference "
Moses sent his wife back to Jethro. I say to my sons If you get married get yourself a woman that have fear of God , If both party have fear of God they will tolerate each other even they might not like in that moment . I don't remember were is written " before the sun goes down we have to resolve our difference "
No forgot that about Jethro. Moses is hardly ever portrayed as the marrying type is he.
So those sons of yours did they ever get married?
(Exodus 2:18–20)
Moses stayed and lived with the Midianite and his family. Reuel gave him his daughter Zipporah in marriage and, in due time, she gave birth to Gershom and then to Eliezer.