
As much as I frequent Sciforum I missed it

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most women seem to dislike Bill Mahar

He was labled to misogynistic by my religous female cousin
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:D What was so bad about it? seems like most of the points in it are already known though.:shrug:

That's one point. Then another is that only those who already know will see it so the people who really could use it will never be enlightened at all, what a waste of time . Now making a movie with the same message involved without being to obvious would have been much better to me, but that just my take.
Bill Mahar is great we could use a few more like him to stir some thought.

Cosmicnitpicker how many films like this have you seen this year. and how many times a day are you bombarded with some religious stupidity from an idiot box.
you make it sound as if films like this are a dime a dozen.

I've asked my religious relatives why they felt the bible was not totally misogynistic.
A father,son,and holy ghost .....but not a word in it about mom
no reply of course like a deer in headlights ..... they probably never asked themselves that question before.
i only just watched Religulous this weekend. I expected a little more fire from Bill, but while slightly let down by the pulled punches, the point was communicated effectively.

It was hilarious to watch the blind-faith sheeple scramble at his appearance, or retreat in denial or simply stare dumbfounded at simple challenge questions that contributors here even have debated over many a time. Recall the guy that plays Jesus in a Miami (? ) tourist trap...his face at Bill's reversing the question "what if you're wrong?" was priceless...he seemed to actually consider it (clearly never having read the fallacy involved in Pascal's wager). Not to mention his PR manager...she was furious that Bill was even let on the premises even considering that she runs a public facility.

The Senator interviewed was the scariest...and I think the most relevant to the goal. These folks need not hold so much power!
I'm Christian, and I found it funny, as he was mostly attacking the fanatical. Other than that, it was nothing that I haven't heard before that is quite easily rebutted. Overall though , Maher does come across as a bully.

I would also question exactly what was left on the cutting room floor when this film was edited. There was a scene where a Christian scientist begins to give an answer. It sounded like an apologetic on the nature of documentary and testimonial evidence, a reasonable response to some of Maher's jibes about the Gospels. The man is cut off in favour for shots of Maher looking at the camera incredulously. Hardly fair IMO.

But then again, that would have deviated from Maher's purpose; to show everyone his opinion and his worldview... which is the exact same thing that he accuses the world religions of doing.
it was nothing that I haven't heard before that is quite easily rebutted.

I would love to hear your rebuttal of his list of previous saviors that share the exact same Jesus story but predate Christianity.

That these are a collection of fables passed down over many generations seems completely obvious. That one of these fantastic stories is true, and the rest are false, seems impossible.

But then again, that would have deviated from Maher's purpose; to show everyone his opinion and his worldview... which is the exact same thing that he accuses the world religions of doing.

He isn't trying to round up a bunch of doubters to put religious people to death, so I think there is a difference.

What Maher is doing is showing us how bat-shit crazy most of us are, and that we need to be open and honest about it. His real failure is to focus exclusively on Religion and to not be honest about his own cultish behavior. The Right has religion and the Left has environmentalism. One sees WMD's where there are none and the other sees the danger of CO2 and DDT where there is none. Maher thinks there is still mercury in our immunization shots, and that the bees are going extinct. He thinks we could pollute the world to death, or destroy it with nukes. His craziness is no different than that of Christians, but this doesn't make him wrong, it just makes him an unintentional hypocrite.
I would love to hear your rebuttal of his list of previous saviors that share the exact same Jesus story but predate Christianity.

If you would like to list these "saviors" under a different thread, then I'd be more than happy to have that conversation. Doing it here would be off-topic.

What Maher is doing is showing us how bat-shit crazy most of us are, and that we need to be open and honest about it. His real failure is to focus exclusively on Religion and to not be honest about his own cultish behavior. The Right has religion and the Left has environmentalism. One sees WMD's where there are none and the other sees the danger of CO2 and DDT where there is none. Maher thinks there is still mercury in our immunization shots, and that the bees are going extinct. He thinks we could pollute the world to death, or destroy it with nukes. His craziness is no different than that of Christians, but this doesn't make him wrong, it just makes him an unintentional hypocrite.

I agree.