Religious Wars


Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member
The most evil thing of this world LG, has been religion. In the name of god, more people have been killed than any freaking war!
The most evil thing of this world LG, has been religion. In the name of god, more people have been killed than any freaking war!

I think you have been innvolved in discussing this topic numerous times - if you want to add anything new you could try addressing why this idea is not apparent in light of statistical data - either that or you would have to hazard how a religious war is distinct from a non-religious war
I think you have been innvolved in discussing this topic numerous times - if you want to add anything new you could try addressing why this idea is not apparent in light of statistical data - either that or you would have to hazard how a religious war is distinct from a non-religious war


PS some of these may lap!

that enough for you?

non-religious wars:

"1.) The Seven Years' War (Britain & France)
2.)The American Revolution
3.)The French Revolution
4.)The Napoleonic Wars (France & Europe)
5.)The Revolutions in the Americas
6.)The Wars to create and preserve the British Empire (Boer War, Irish Revolution, and the Great Game with Russia would all be examples)
7.)The American Civil War
8.)The Crimean War
9.)The Spanish-American War
10.)The Great War, The War to End All Wars, or World War I (whatever you want to call it)
11.)The Italian invasion of Ethiopia
12.)The Spanish Civil War
13.)Stalin's invasions of Finland, the Baltic states, and Poland
14.)World War II
15.)The Chinese Revolution
16.)The Cold War, including but not limited to the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the American intervention in Grenada, and the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan
17.)The Cultural Revolution in China (If you don't want to call this a war I'll concede it)
18.)Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge Revolution
19.)The Falklands War
20.)The Persian Gulf War between Iran & Iraq
21.)The Persian Gulf War between the United Nations and Iraq
The Breakup of Yugoslavia (beginning with Slovenia)."
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PS some of these may lap!

that enough for you?

non-religious wars:

"1.) The Seven Years' War (Britain & France)
2.)The American Revolution
3.)The French Revolution
4.)The Napoleonic Wars (France & Europe)
5.)The Revolutions in the Americas
6.)The Wars to create and preserve the British Empire (Boer War, Irish Revolution, and the Great Game with Russia would all be examples)
7.)The American Civil War
8.)The Crimean War
9.)The Spanish-American War
10.)The Great War, The War to End All Wars, or World War I (whatever you want to call it)
11.)The Italian invasion of Ethiopia
12.)The Spanish Civil War
13.)Stalin's invasions of Finland, the Baltic states, and Poland
14.)World War II
15.)The Chinese Revolution
16.)The Cold War, including but not limited to the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the American intervention in Grenada, and the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan
17.)The Cultural Revolution in China (If you don't want to call this a war I'll concede it)
18.)Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge Revolution
19.)The Falklands War
20.)The Persian Gulf War between Iran & Iraq
21.)The Persian Gulf War between the United Nations and Iraq
The Breakup of Yugoslavia (beginning with Slovenia)."

rather than revisting the fatiguing process of deconstructing the ideological constructs in the links (yet again) it might be more progressive for you to make clear why a war is designated as a religious war - to what degree does religion have to play a part to be declared a religious war.

here are a few q's to get you thinking in the right direction

is a religious war one that directly innvolves issues of contention between scriptural conclusions?

is a religious war one that is initiated by a ruler who is associated with some particular faith (never mind if he is just fighting for secular reasons of national security or economic development)

Is a religious war one where people from a certain faith are specifically targetted for the reasons of acquiring their land or assets?

Is a religious war one where the leaders of religion are called in to perform ritualistic services for the military (such as blessing battleships or providing chaplin assistence)

etc etc
You forgot pretty much every war until 600 AD.

Not only that I didn't list every war from all different sects throughout the ages of the world, that was done intentionally, I only took the easy way out and listed "major" religious wars.

here are a few q's to get you thinking in the right direction

As if you had any sense of direction! :D ROFLMAO!!!!

Do you need to be taken by the hand to cross the street?

Then you don't need me to define a freaking relegious war to you, if you dont know by now or don't accept the links provided, then that problem is with you, not with the definition of what consists of a religious war! ;)
Not only that I didn't list every war from all different sects throughout the ages of the world, that was done intentionally, I only took the easy way out and listed "major" religious wars.

As if you had any sense of direction! :D ROFLMAO!!!!

Do you need to be taken by the hand to cross the street?

Then you don't need me to define a freaking relegious war to you, if you dont know by now or don't accept the links provided, then that problem is with you, not with the definition of what consists of a religious war! ;)

The point is that your defintion of religious war appears to be any war that involves even the slight appearance of any person who possesses even a slight affiliation with anything religious - if you want to use that as your definition, then yes it does appear to be as you say - however even a brief examination of the nature of these wars indicates that there are more integral issues of economic development/political ideology, geographical disputes etc - inotherwords if you took the religious element out of these apparently religious wars, it still appears that they would take place anyway since the real issues are not religion at all.

How has religion prevented war? If people were actually following their religions, why did they war?

Did you know that there were religious orthodox sects that when it came time for them to take up arms and go to war, they flatly refused?

How has religion prevented war? If people were actually following their religions, why did they war?

The same old reason for any sort of failing in spiritual endeavour : The needs of the body outweighing the needs of the soul

Did you know that there were religious orthodox sects that when it came time for them to take up arms and go to war, they flatly refused?


In medieval india wars were fought according to religious principles (meaning that if someone was going to fight someone else in a military skirmish, they did according to rules enjoined in scripture).

There were many injunctions, such as prohibitions against fighting at night, (by flaunting this the greeks and moghuls were able to get the upper hand in their conquests) unlawfulness of killing a person who was begging for mercy, Not to kill a person who was incapacitated or who had accidently dropped their weapon etc, Not to kill women, children, priests or old men (there are recorded incidents of negating this if such persons drew a weapon with deadly intention)

There are recorded incidents of cavalry refusing to charge on artillery that was in the process of reloading because they deemed in inappropriate to slay unarmed men.

There was a famous retired politician in India in the late 60's and 70's who took to the renounced order and travelled through various districts of bihar and jarakhand (kind of like the wild west in yankee terms) convincing gang leaders to give up their lifestyles of murder and theft on the strength of the bhagavad gita

In other words religiousity as a tool for advocating peace only bears effect on a population that is within the purview of following religious principles - the fact that peace arrived at through religion is such a contemporary rarity indicates the nature and bearing of religion in contemporary society (in otherwords it is superficially theistic, with money, economic development etc being the "real" religion)