Religious extremism driven by anxiety, says research


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Religious extremism driven by anxiety, says research
A series of studies published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who were asked whether they would die for their faith or support their country going to war in its defence were more likely to say yes when they were in anxiety-provoking situations.
The anxiety-provoking situations included being given complex mathematical problems, considering a dilemma in one's personal life, or mulling over uncertainties in a relationship. In all the studies, people who had been exposed to the anxiety-inducing scenario were more extreme in their religious convictions and more enthusiastically attached to their ideals than those who had been in neutral situations.
The West should be prescribing 10mg Citalopram for free! SSRI's really work and would solve a lot of world problems imo. It works for me. :)
Not terribly surprising. It's not limited to religious extremism; when you're anxious or nervous, you can get very agitated and irrational.
Extreme actions or thought patterns usually follow.

Though I disagree about the medication. Actual therapy would be better and more effective long-term. ;)