Religious extremism and justice


Valued Senior Member
Why throughout history is religious extremism so widely accepted?

In much of the middle east to this day, a person can be executed for going against a religious doctrine.

In much of the US today, it is still widely accepted to hate and condemn non-Christians, gays, and even racial minorities.

In many places around the world, including Israel and Palestine, it is still widely accepted to murder others because they are not Jewish, Muslim, or Christian.

How have we as human beings not evolved from such primitive thinking? And why is it that, in my observations, those who commit crimes in the name of God are worshiped as hero's yet while those who commit crime for non-religious reasons are considered scum?

And one last question, what the hell is wrong with the western world that they constantly have to focus on one religions fundamentalism and not their own? I constantly hear so much on the news, forums, and in person about Muslim extremism but never stop to think of the extremism in their own belief systems.
My point is that we all have issues, we all go to extremes. But we should focus on our own issues that do not harmonize well with society instead of others.
In many places around the world, including Israel and Palestine, it is still widely accepted to murder others because they are not Jewish, Muslim, or Christian.
That isn't really true.
Hell if I know! lol Every church should take a national poll to see if the people believe them or their believes to be extreme and have an affect on the general public.
suppose they did a similar vote 50 years ago on the topic of homosexuality and it revealed an overwhelming opposition to it

My point is that we all have issues, we all go to extremes. But we should focus on our own issues that do not harmonize well with society instead of others.

Until we can agree on universal ideas there will always be conflict.
The problem is religion itself . as fas as I know every religion teaches you that it is right while the rest of religions are wrong . By putting one religion above the rest and by trying to spread the word of this religion you create racism, bigotry and hatred against those who oppose your views . The fact is that our planet has known thousands and not just hundreds or different religions . Surely there is no religion from God because if there is a supreme creator ( God ) and if he sends a religion it would not be as stupid and full of contradictions as the ones we have . A perfect designer is expected to have a perfect religion in any logic . I think we left with two good schools of thoughts that we all nourish and prosper from them : humanism and pacifism .
Because being a martyr makes you a hero. Even if your beliefs are unpopular you are still supposed to stick to what you know is right and be willing to die for it. At least that's how it is for Christianity and most likely other religions or any ideology really. If you have to take radical measures to insure that those beliefs are upheld and/or respected then so be it. It really isn't much different than soldiers dying for "democracy". And we hold them in high regard for their sacrifice. Of course some people take it too far and just embarrass the other constituents of their affiliated group. Like blowing up an abortion clinic might.
Because being a martyr makes you a hero. Even if your beliefs are unpopular you are still supposed to stick to what you know is right and be willing to die for it. At least that's how it is for Christianity and most likely other religions or any ideology really. If you have to take radical measures to insure that those beliefs are upheld and/or respected then so be it. It really isn't much different than soldiers dying for "democracy". And we hold them in high regard for their sacrifice. Of course some people take it too far and just embarrass the other constituents of their affiliated group. Like blowing up an abortion clinic might.
We are not having the same wars as before whereas you are changing your religion or you are dead . Nowadays politicians play all kinds of deception whereas they mix religion, politics, resources , military interests....etc and then they head for wars . Any war creates hatred and for good reasons . If someone kills your family, steals your land and makes you suffer are you going to like him or her ?. Of course no .
While nowadays religion is mainly business and the places of worships are a mere business opportunities to get your money, it is in their interests to follow the corrupt politicians and pretend everything is all right . Like a blind leading a blind politics .
Why throughout history is religious extremism so widely accepted?

People pursue that which is important to them. How they pursue that, is another matter, but they do pursue it.

For example, the French Revolutionists or the communists had little mercy for their opponents as well, the phenomenon of "extremism" is not limited to religion.

In the case of religion, I suppose "religious extremism" also has something to do with belief in God (however this belief and God are conceived of) being considered crucial to a person's existence.

There are attempts to relegate religion/theism to be a mere "private choice", something that is not really important, or shouldn't be important.

Yet acts of "religious extremism" could be interpreted to mean that belief in God can never be relegated to a mere "private choice"; that belief in God indeed is a matter of life and death and that it should not be compromised in the name of material welfare.

I suppose torturing and even killing people in the name of God is an attempt to do good, to act in line with God's will. How well a person knows God's will and how much they are able to align their actions with it, is something else.

Personally, I think that religious extremism, torturing and killing people in the name of God, is like a drunk lay person trying to perform open heart surgery. The intention may be good, but the way it is acted upon is not.
Why throughout history is religious extremism so widely accepted?

Don't think it has been "widely" accepted. Most religious people have spent their lives seeking to live in a moderate way. There have always been extremists but they have always been a small minority, usually they have little influence unless the greater society is under pressure and it is in the elites interest to use the extremists to motivate the masses to attack others.

In much of the middle east to this day, a person can be executed for going against a religious doctrine.

Yeah true, that’s islam. I am a Christian so i don't support executing someone for their religious views.

In much of the US today, it is still widely accepted to hate and condemn non-Christians, gays, and even racial minorities.

Nope not "widely" accepted at all. It is not accepted "widely" in the more "conservative" forms of western religions either. Only a very small minority of a minority teach hatred towards gays. And i think that the numbers teaching racial hatred would even be far less than the small minority teaching hatred for homosexuals. I don't know where your getting your impressions from, but your view is not correct.

In many places around the world, including Israel and Palestine, it is still widely accepted to murder others because they are not Jewish, Muslim, or Christian.

Well in islam it is acceptable to kill infidels who will not accept the authority of islam but not strictly acceptable for muslims to kill Christians and Jews who are under islamic authorities and are in no way seeking to overthrow islamic authority.

In the middle east the state of isreal has over thrown islamic authority in palistine/isreal and therefore it is acceptable for muslims to kill non-muslims citizens of isreal until such time as the state of isreal is destroyed and it is once again under the control of an islamic authority.

As for Christians it is not acceptable for a true Christian to kill anybody, Jew muslim or unbeliever at any time.

How have we as human beings not evolved from such primitive thinking?

Well the concept of human beings evolving in this sense is a false teaching, that’s why. Human beings have been the same for many thousands of years. What some consider as new thoughts or philosophies are just old thinking regurgitated on the never ending merry go round of history.

And why is it that, in my observations, those who commit crimes in the name of God are worshiped as hero's yet while those who commit crime for non-religious reasons are considered scum?

Well it varies a lot in the case of those who commit crimes in the name of God. Look for example of the talaban and their allies. They where supported by the authorities in pakistan and had a lot of popular support in pakistan for their crimes in afganistan and india, but now they have fallen out of favour with the authorities in packistan and are commiting the same crimes in pakistan. The hero worship they received from the general population of pakistan is falling away now as they suffer from what they once supported.

And one last question, what the hell is wrong with the western world that they constantly have to focus on one religions fundamentalism and not their own? I constantly hear so much on the news, forums, and in person about Muslim extremism but never stop to think of the extremism in their own belief systems.

Well in general terms the authorities of the west need a bogyman to induce fear in the minds of their populace. In times past it was communism that kept their peoples in fear now it is islamic extremism. It is far easier to manipulate people who are in fear. Of course it is easier for them when they have a co-operative force in islam that is willing to play the bogyman with enthusiasm.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days