Religious Experence: In Real Time

When you see two rainbows, the first or primary bow at 42 degrees, is brighter with red on the outside ending with violet on the inside. The secondary bow at 51 degrees is always fainter with the colors reversed due to the second reflection; violet on the outside ending with red on the inside. Isaac Newton derived a mathematical equation for the angular size of rainbows after a number (N) of reflections inside the droplet. He never solved the problem for N=3, since he decided that in the third pass there wouldn't be enough light for a person to actually see it. Edmund Halley, after whom Halley's comet was named, carried the calculations through and discovered that the tertiary rainbow would actually appear with an arc of 40 degrees and 20 seconds, and surprise! It should appear not opposite the sun but around the sun itself! For two thousand years, men had been looking for this arc in the wrong part of the sky!

no..i aint that smart..i cut and pasted..but i think its cool for the colors to be reversed..and that guy did sound high...
haha,,,, I do like watching this video :) I'm not convinced he's high. Given his other videos I think he's just like that. Maybe color synesthesia or something similar?

Or he may be high :p