Religious Cults and the like


Registered Senior Member
What about all those sciontology wannabees and that group itself.
What would you think should be done.

I personally think its funny when someone goes into a rant about:
"omikron 5 and the imperial lord bangor and how they should paint their head yellow and drink the yellow potion in order to reach nirvana which awaiteth. j/k

But recently our house has been visited by nuts again and we live in nyc so its a wierd scenario. A pair again , yes we had this experience before and its not the first time they (nutty people) came to preach and "collect" for salvation of some kind or another. This time they were collecting for the coming end of the world, I am not kidding. A woman and a man of about 25 each very nicely clad came into our house and tried to collect for the end of the world. To which i turned and shouted to my father that the nuts came again after that they said thankyou and left. The first phrase I heard was this " do you believe in the end of the world ?" and when she continued speaking i ignored turned around and gave my shout. But its spreading I fear and I severely hope that we dont get a president or even a senator who says he belongs to a sciontology group or the 5th apostles of hell union.
I thought making a cult it would be lots of work and dogma and repetitive mantras to anyone who would listen and granted my speakings skills arent exactly people compeling. But the mind does wander all those class 1 entry slaves into the little pyramid of which I could be king gathering dollars and serving to my pleasure. Dont you just wanna be Reveren Song Yang Moon?

Oh the fun of having your own little religious nut empire the things you could do. The power under your fingertips , the darkside is strong jedi :p .

You would be almost like a diablo with little preeching minions toiling away with their tongues and feet trying to convert others to the "righteous cause"
of gathering donations and sexual favoritism to the Lord God whom is you.

Imagine the world where you are complete king and it truly does revolve around you. And when those minions come to me I feel so much hatred and jealousy that I wanna smite them with a bat so hard that the lord upstairs feels it. :rolleyes: and tries to move off so i could sit down on the throne.
Here's Merriam-Webster's definition.

Main Entry: cult
Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
Ozymandias: Seems to me that Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, et cetera would be called cults if they had only a few thousand or less believers.

Unless you define cults as having mass suicidal tendencies like the Jonestown and Comet cults, the major religions do not seem different from various so called cults.
Me thinks cults and religions will hold sway over maybe most of the population until us humans come to some real understandings about purpose and reason. I do suspect there is something to believe in that doesn't contradict known science and/or lead to destruction of the self, others and the environment. Here's hoping we learn these things and apply them generally before we have allowed our collective insanity to burn too many bridges.
Eluminate said:
This time they were collecting for the coming end of the world, I am not kidding.
shoulda asked them why the fuck they need money if the end of the world is near? :D
wouldnt they get everything in heaven when they die!? :rolleyes:
shoulda asked them why the fuck they need money if the end of the world is near?
wouldnt they get everything in heaven when they die?

Yes, but heaven does not allow bar stools upholstered in whale foreskin leather. And if your going to stick forks in the microwave and make coffee with DR.PEPPER then your going to need a lot of cash for coffee makers and microwaves. (and indeed forks, especially if they are made of silver once mined by extinct South American tribes) Besides, there is no money in heaven, just notes isssued by god representing golden crowns and jewels. The rest is merely love and an eternity with no sex.
there used to be this cult at my college. actually they might still be there, i dunno. i got fooled into going to one of their "masses" once thinking it was just a church. then they wouldn't stop calling me. i started getting calls from people i'd never met saying "so and so gave me your number. we'd really like you to come back. there is this couple who lives near you who wants to pick you up on sunday. they'll be there at 8" and the like. i had to start screening my calls. it got ridiculous. people kept approaching me and asking me to come to "bible studies". they did it all sly like, the way the pamphlets on avoiding cults describes. i eventually got sick of avoiding them and being polite so i said flat out i don't want to go to your church. that really wasn't good enough for them because they kept asking why and arguing that my reasons weren't any good. so i played the catholic card. I'M CATHOLIC AND I ONLY WANT TO GO TO A CATHOLIC CHURCH SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. even then i kept having to insist i was catholic and happy with my church (which i don't go to but they didn't know that).
they made me appreciate being catholic because i haven't gone to church in many many years and nobody gives a flying f**k. i don't go to confession, i don't receive communion, i don't go to mass, i don't tithe, i don't take part in stewardship, i don't pray, i don't read the bible, i have premarital sex, i masturbate, i haven't followed the commandments in i don't even know when, i don't even believe in a transcendent god! but the best part is nobody cares. i show up on christmas and the priests do the handshaking thing and never once ask where i've been all year. they don't ask me to come on retreats or to bible studies or to give up all my worldly possessions. they just don't care. it's great being catholic because i can do as i damn well please. cult? not a chance.

your religion is a cult.

"I do not understand every detail of the universe, therefore, god did it" -> YOU ARE IN A CULT. ;)

Of course you have little recourse but to decline it.

And of course it's not fair for me to set you up like that, my apologies... but you are in a cult if you are a theist who subscribes to a religion/cult.

Meh. It's semantics, but cult puts it in the right perspective for me. "cult" and "religion" are both terms describing varying degrees of the same inability or lack of motivation to "go it alone" philosophically.

They are philosophy by prescription.
Well, seems to me that many are in a religion or some other similar mass affliction often for the sake of belonging and not necessarily belief. SwedishFish's use seems to be an example of this. Gives him an excuse to ward off those who seek his conscription in something perhaps a bit more sanctimonious than the liberty one can gain by being a part of one of the main stream afflictions that are quite devoid of any strong dictates. In fact, seems many of these things are excuses to take advantage of others. Just say so many hail Maries and toss some coins in the plate and go about sinning wantonly.

Amongst those who are close to me in my family, those who got most wild ended up with the most religion. Perhaps it is because they lost strength through the stresses of little prioritized value. I often pronounce Bible as "bib" el. Afraid of making a mess of yourself while you live? Try wearing a bib.

re: Catholicism, Judaism, &c.

I admit that it does seem that the difference between a cult and a church is in the numbers, but there are other distinctions. It's hard to conceive that in the United States, where the First Amendment to the Constitution is allegedly sacrosanct (ha!) something like "Wicca" can run into difficulty being recognized as a proper religious status. Then again, while the witches may have their problem, Branch Davidian asserted its First Amendment right to marry multiple ten year-old girls to their leader David Koresh. We all know how that ended.

However, there are more cults around than you would know to shake a stick at.

In Catholic high school, or if you take a college course on Judeo-Christian history, you will come across the comparative terms cult and creed. If we look back to Ozymandias' offering from Merriam-Webster, this comparison involves definition 1, formal religious veneration. You learn to observe, of the superficial, the aspects of, for instance, the Catholic "cult" of worship and the Catholic "creed" of worship. Incense, funny hats, pieces of dead saints hidden in the altars, graven images of Christ and the saints adorning the walls, the eucharist--go sit through a Mass, you'll see the cult of Catholic worship, as well as hear folks recite a few aspects of the creed of Catholic worship. (Throw in a Catechism, some other stuff ... ask a Catholic about it.)

And in this sense, cult is a mechanical process of sorts. How many of our internationals watch baseball, especially Major League Baseball? You'll see a mixing of cult and creed in American (and some Canadian) baseball fans. National anthems, ceremonial first pitch, starting lineups, ritualized chaos. That's essentially the beginning of a baseball game. The ritualized chaos follows certain rules, and you get ejected from the ballpark if you violate them. In addition to those rules, there are rules that will get even children booed and jeered by thousands of people unless they conform to the ritual. One guy, obviously too drunk to think clearly, caught the ball after Cal Ripken hit a home run in his last appearance in Seattle; the guy threw the ball back onto the field. Yeah, he held a little piece of history that people would pay hundreds of dollars for, and he threw the ball back onto the field in order to take part in a baseball ritual of being too snotty to want the other team's home run baseballs. The seventh-inning stretch is one of the most curious rituals I've ever seen. And now they're even contracting the big-board displays, so that on the coasts and in appropriate river cities, they show computer-generated hydroplane races; almost every ballpark shows a "shell game" with the team's caps and a baseball; music is standardized between ballparks, and that's how "Who Let the Dogs Out" sold millions of copies.

(Also of interest is the Catholic "football mother." You see them, naturally, at Catholic high schools and colleges during football season. But if you ever want to hear the Ave Maria in English or Latin in under 3.37 seconds, yeah, a Catholic mother watching her fourth son make a run for a college scholarship or a championship trophy is almost a pure incarnation of faith.)

In academia there is a phrase, "death cult," that refers not to pseudo-Satanic blood ritualists and orgiastic necrophiliacs, but to that set of customs and rituals which surround the treatment of the dead in a given culture. Obviously, Egyptian pyramids come to mind, as do various mounds from premodern and prehistoric Europe and America; how can we forget the pyramids of Mexico and the tales of human sacrifice among American precolombian empires? But what about your grandmother's funeral? My condolences, of course, and I don't mean to be insensitive, but really ...?

The larger point being is that it's all cult. Personality, religious, or societal, almost everything is ritualized. Remember that both cult and culture share an etymology through the Latin cultus.

At the point that we return to the numbers having anything to do with the idea of cult or church, we must remember that cult in such a sense is usually declared according to definition 3, so when you get to be the size of the Catholic Church, for instance, you don't think of yourself as "unorthodox," and few if any people of any faith actually wish to be regarded as "spurious."

So I think numbers just have to do with advertising and repetition. There was a bit on the Daily Show the other night about Condoleeza Rice being interviewed by Matt Lauer; apparently she buried the word "dangerous" in almost every response she made. "World's most dangerous region. Most dangerous man in the world." It's a lot easier to make the idea stick when millions of people around you believe what you're saying at the outset. "We're not a cult. We're a church." Listen, on those occasions that you find those "unorthodox or spurious" cult members caught up in some public brouhaha. They use the word "church" repeatedly, almost self-consciously.

Honestly, that's really all the difference is.
okay if a cult is a group of people with certain religious beliefs then why wouldn't every religion be a cult? every religion has their own beliefs so why wouldn't every religion be a cult if all a cult is believing in a certain group of beliefs all religions have their own beliefs right?

wesmorris said:

your religion is a cult.

"I do not understand every detail of the universe, therefore, god did it" -> YOU ARE IN A CULT. ;)

Of course you have little recourse but to decline it.

And of course it's not fair for me to set you up like that, my apologies... but you are in a cult if you are a theist who subscribes to a religion/cult.

Meh. It's semantics, but cult puts it in the right perspective for me. "cult" and "religion" are both terms describing varying degrees of the same inability or lack of motivation to "go it alone" philosophically.

They are philosophy by prescription.
not really redundant I think maybe I m wrong. But if you belive
in some fantasy out of space bs like that idiotic moranic cult of guys
who castrated themselves and commited mass suicide so that
the flying spaship would catch their souls and bring them to plant
zyrcon 17 where they would have nirvana. Dont think its religious
but i m wrong i bet.
Learn some sociology. A cult is a religion with very few followers. I don't recall the number, but there is a limit as to what a cult is. All major religions started as a cult at somepoint, and ironically they are now the dominant moral force, preaching to others about the dangers of cults. According to the FBI, 98% of all cults in America are Christian-based, which should tell you something.
I look at it this way:
Religion is something that promotes better behavior in return for faith in God.

Cult is something that promotes better behavior in return for faith in Cult Leader.
Seems to me that the focus should be more on the connotation you choose to assign to the term "cult". A lot of major religions throw the term around to defile or diminish the reputations, beliefs and significance of other denominations; most Baptists will tell you that Catholicsm is a cult. According to Tiassa'a definition, they are right, but their intent is significantly more malicious. Is a cult invariably a bad thing? Depends on whether you 1.) have theistic beliefs, and 2.) prefer an organized system of worship with shared practices and mutual beliefs.

Really, I don't think that religious organizations have much cause or prerogative to go around reclassifying other faiths as "lesser religions" and "clandestine groups" (which is, it seems, the intent of cult-calling). It also doesn't lend them much legitimacy or clout.
Just leave them alone... if they're not killing people like the Japanese cult did and they're happy then why not just let them do and believe what they like?
Oh yeah and another thing... a "cult" means a group of people who share opinions, beliefs and/or habits... so in theory a Harry Potter Fan Club who meet once a week to discuss the writing style of JK Rowling could be a cult. Nothing wrong with them, right?