religious crazies


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Registered Senior Member
religious crazies and why they act crazy, the ones here on sciforums, and the religious nuts throughout the world.
people like Jerry Falwell, the man who blames America for 911, because they mocked god.
and Bill O'reilly, who thinks all the muslim(Al Qaeda) live in canada.
here is a list of the most dangerous crazies
rated out of a hundred

we can discuss each individual one or group them together, it matters not. as for the crazies on sciforums they will make themselves known if you dont know who they are already.
so who would you consider the most dangerous be it a muslim/xian etc.
From the first:

He is the director of the James Randi Foundation, which offers a $1,000,000 prize to anyone able to demonstrate paranormal phenomena under scientifically controlled conditions.

Still waiting! No one has ever collected. ;)
Bill O'Reilly does not think "all terrorists come from Canada". Similarly, he is pretty non-religious, considering his tremendous sex scandal.
I see T.D Jakes and Ernest Angley are not on the list ,but then again, I guess they are not so much crazy as comical. I always loved seeing Ernest belt someone on the head or try to pull their ears off to get rid of those nasty demons.
As far as T.D Jakes...always hillarious when he jumps around sweating on stage with his baggy pants and pink shoes :eek:

I don't see Jack Van Impe on the list thou..I would think this TV preacher definetely qualifies as crazy.
Bill O'Reilly does not think "all terrorists come from Canada". Similarly, he is pretty non-religious, considering his tremendous sex scandal.
I thought he did myself, given they wrote about it, I dont suppose you can believe everything can you.

Summary: Bill O'Reilly claimed that "if Al Qaeda wanted to get in here [the United States], it's easy," because "[t]hey've got all kinds of Muslim crazies up in Canada running around."