Religious contention: What is your intent?


Over the last few months it is easy to see the volume of this section has increased.

Many of the posts are often of contention. (one may claim, "the sky is blue", as the responses may come back either 'god did it' or 'No, its not, it's black with little white dots, half the time)

but how many on this site are looking for the quality aspects of the combining knowledge?

what are the reasons each here are on this section of Philosophy/Religion?

eg.... the thread on Quaker Creed, is unique in that it shares a belief system that professes growth, responsibility and that each are capable and should be involved with contributing to knowledge.

my point is, from religion to science, it seems their may exist a pretty fair frame of beliefs/observances and yet how many are of the intent to contribute 'good' information, rather than just conflicts that are pretty redundant and contentious

What is your intent on this section?
What is yours ?

you already know it; to learn while enabling others to think with no need of ever having to believe a fib to understand life.

basically; to give and take, within the eyes of compassion and integrity

now, will you answer the question?
you already know it; to learn while enabling others to think with no need of ever having to believe a fib to understand life.

basically; to give and take, within the eyes of compassion and integrity

now, will you answer the question?

To express my views and to understand other people's views.
If you want to 'give' I suggest you brush up your writing.
I have no idea why I am here. I keep trying to leave but can never find the exit.
let's help in moderating this section:

can any answer these questions?

but how many on this site are looking for the quality aspects of the combining knowledge?

what are the reasons each here are on this section of Philosophy/Religion?

What is your intent on this section?
I have no idea why I am here. I keep trying to leave but can never find the exit.

perhaps that evolving knowledge buzzing in your head is keeping you up at night

i find that; "humility to the unknown offers the best venue to learn"
Over the last few months it is easy to see the volume of this section has increased.

Many of the posts are often of contention. (one may claim, "the sky is blue", as the responses may come back either 'god did it' or 'No, its not, it's black with little white dots, half the time)

but how many on this site are looking for the quality aspects of the combining knowledge?

what are the reasons each here are on this section of Philosophy/Religion?

eg.... the thread on Quaker Creed, is unique in that it shares a belief system that professes growth, responsibility and that each are capable and should be involved with contributing to knowledge.

my point is, from religion to science, it seems their may exist a pretty fair frame of beliefs/observances and yet how many are of the intent to contribute 'good' information, rather than just conflicts that are pretty redundant and contentious

What is your intent on this section?

An excellent question. My purpose is twofold

1) At risk of being banned for "evangalizing," I hope to teach people. More specifically, by

a) showing people what me (and a lot of Christians) think the world looks like, including such things as the theory of free will, etc

b) correcting several misconceptions. Such as "there is no evidence for religion," and "religion and science are incompatable"

2) To learn. There is always room to learn. I have studied this subject for six years now, and I am still revising my opinion frequently.
When I first came here, I did not know [or care much] about atheists/atheism.

Unfortunately there is no way to revert back to that blissful state.
When I first came here, I did not know [or care much] about atheists/atheism.

Unfortunately there is no way to revert back to that blissful state.

What are you saying? Have you renounced your faith and become an atheist?

Live and let live according to your conscience and your logic .
Life can offer us unlimited opportunities for wellness and happiness .
Live and let live according to your conscience and your logic.
Life can offer us unlimited opportunities for wellness and happiness.

Should I add a little cynicism to your cute little sayings?

Live and let live? Yeah, that's fine ...except when all of your neighbors won't let you live peacefully. They keep playing the music too loud when you're trying to sleep. They let their kids run and scream in your backyard. They bother you for.... Well, enough cynicism for that, huh?

Life can offer us unlimited opportunities for wellness and happiness? Oh, sure, but along with that also comes the huge piles of shit that can come crashing down on you when you least expect it.

See? For every gushing optimistic viewpoint, there's always that little bit of crushing cynicism and pessimism.

Baron Max
See? For every gushing optimistic viewpoint, there's always that little bit of crushing cynicism and pessimism.
Baron Max
Yeah, but on an optimistic note, few do crushing cynicism and pessimism quite as well as you.
An excellent question. My purpose is twofold

1) At risk of being banned for "evangalizing," I hope to teach people. More specifically, by

a) showing people what me (and a lot of Christians) think the world looks like, including such things as the theory of free will, etc

open up that thread on the Tof FW

perhaps share the xtian view that can assist a few of us not familiar

bullet the points of what them good and bad choices are when willing the free around

b) correcting several misconceptions. Such as "there is no evidence for religion," and "religion and science are incompatable"
what evidence can you provide that something other than man wrote every word ever read?

the sciences and religions combine; its a light thing

2) To learn. There is always room to learn. I have studied this subject for six years now, and I am still revising my opinion frequently.


i love an evolving mind
When I first came here, I did not know [or care much] about atheists/atheism.
so you are in this section to work on your atheism?

i still have no clear definition of an atheist.

Unfortunately there is no way to revert back to that blissful state.

that sounds like a religious ideology; "stay ignorant, its easier"
See? For every gushing optimistic viewpoint, there's always that little bit of crushing cynicism and pessimism.
Baron Max

If we all try harder to follow reason, rational, goodwill and logic; we can have a better world . If my neighbour is bad....I just do not follow his steps .