Religious Conflict and WWIII


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
The common man regaurds religions beliefs as fact. The wise man regaurds religion as contradiction to logic. The ruler regaurds religion as a useful tool.

At this point in time, religion is about to cause World War III

ISLAM: Claims they know of the "one and only true god"

CHRISTIANITY: Claims exactly the same thing

MORMONS: Exactly the same

JEHOVAHS WITNESSES: Exactly the same



Do away with religion, it is of no use but for bloodshed and disagreement. I propose that if there is a god, he hates all religious sects who try to portray "him" in any way shape or form.

Further-more: I propose that if there is a god at all, he or "it" is all LOVING and would rather not have ANY form of War and would dis-own any man or woman who has any form of "jihad" or "holy-war."
The common man regaurds religions beliefs as fact. The wise man regaurds religion as contradiction to logic. The ruler regaurds religion as a useful tool.

At this point in time, religion is about to cause World War III

ISLAM: Claims they know of the "one and only true god"

CHRISTIANITY: Claims exactly the same thing

MORMONS: Exactly the same

JEHOVAHS WITNESSES: Exactly the same



Do away with religion, it is of no use but for bloodshed and disagreement. I propose that if there is a god, he hates all religious sects who try to portray "him" in any way shape or form.

Further-more: I propose that if there is a god at all, he or "it" is all LOVING and would rather not have ANY form of War and would dis-own any man or woman who has any form of "jihad" or "holy-war."
People will always find some reason to fight. Religion is just an excuse. The atheist communists of the Soviet Union weren't particulary peaceful, were they?

Regarding your idea that God would rather not have any form of war, isn't man created in God's image? Indeed, nature is an all out war for survival. If God is as you describe, why is every lifeform on earth so warlike?
if there is a god, he hates all religious sects who try to portray "him" in any way shape or form.

Not hate but rather dissapointment that mankind has built up all the dogmatic b/s portrayals (due to Mans' ignorance..not Gods') surrounding most religions core message of peace and love. This is the common bond they share.
Religion is just considered a "tool" to the path to God, and there are countless paths to God across the universe as the universe is brimming over with life of countless varieties.
*The above statement is just MY take on it all, I am non religous,but spiritual.
I base it on seeing that core message of love and peace that I see in most faiths and the overall pattern I've seen after reading hundreds of near-death experiences* Peace!;)
And I would ask can you "do away with" belief? How can you force people not to believe something?
very easy,
stop brainwashing young impresionable childrens minds with the religious nonsense,and make them use reason,teach them the truth about the age of the earth, human evolution etc,and I guarantee you majority of people will grow up atheists and wont miss or need any gods at all.
very easy, stop brainwashing young impresionable childrens minds with the religious nonsense,and make them use reason,teach them the truth about the age of the earth, human evolution etc,...

So you'd take children away from their parents at birth? Or worse, force parents to teach their children only what you deemed proper and "truthful"?

...and I guarantee you majority of people will grow up atheists and wont miss or need any gods at all.

And just how can you guarantee such a thing?

And how do you think religion came about in the first place? It sure wasn't the parents teaching the little kids, because the parents didn't know anything about religion at the time. So, .....?

Baron Max

didn't you see the south park Wii episode?

"Science Damn you!"

People will always find some reason to fight. Religion is just an excuse ...

Absolutely correct.

As the Darwinists maintain - natural selection, survival of the fittest!

That is what humans do. They slaughter one another. Nothing new under the sun.
The common man regaurds religions beliefs as fact.
atheists are not "common men"?

The wise man regaurds religion as contradiction to logic.
philosophy tends to disagree, with well over 50 % of all philosophers from history laying claim to something transcendental as a foundation for their ruminations

The ruler regaurds religion as a useful tool.
if people were more generally atheistic they would also regard atheism as a useful tool - such is the nature of politics and the cloaks it dons for convenience

At this point in time, religion is about to cause World War III
actually at this point industry (the same cause for WW1 and WW2) is about to cause WW3
ISLAM: Claims they know of the "one and only true god"

CHRISTIANITY: Claims exactly the same thing

MORMONS: Exactly the same

JEHOVAHS WITNESSES: Exactly the same



Do away with religion, it is of no use but for bloodshed and disagreement.

which would still leave us with industry
BTW - when you say "do away with religion" how do you propose to do that without catalyzing a quicker route to mass bloodshed than what is already brewing under current industrial ethics?
I propose that if there is a god, he hates all religious sects who try to portray "him" in any way shape or form.
seems like you are proposing you hate god, which would make your propositions on what god thinks of religion somewhat dubious

Further-more: I propose that if there is a god at all, he or "it" is all LOVING and would rather not have ANY form of War and would dis-own any man or woman who has any form of "jihad" or "holy-war."
a god that doesn't express a desire in how the universe should be run?
- sounds like chaos

a loving god that dis-owns people?
sounds like a non sequitur
That's about the most asinine proposal I've ever read! How do suppose all those religions got started anyway? In a vacuum? And new cults spring up every year or so.
very easy,
stop brainwashing young impresionable childrens minds with the religious nonsense,and make them use reason,teach them the truth about the age of the earth, human evolution etc,and I guarantee you majority of people will grow up atheists and wont miss or need any gods at all.

Beautiful! :bravo:
very easy,
stop brainwashing young impresionable childrens minds with the religious nonsense,and make them use reason,teach them the truth about the age of the earth, human evolution etc,and I guarantee you majority of people will grow up atheists and wont miss or need any gods at all.

Rationalists have their failings too, an inability to distinguish between reason and empiricism being one of them.:p
Rationalists have their failings too, an inability to distinguish between reason and empiricism being one of them.

Coming from one who does little more than propagandize their religion, that statement has zero credibility. You know very little of reason and empiricism, darling. :p
Coming from one who does little more than propagandize their religion, that statement has zero credibility. You know very little of reason and empiricism, darling. :p

Takes one to know one, toots. ;)