religious bigotry


I sa'id so
Registered Senior Member
this is a discussion forum on religion
by pandering to the likes of the bigot (and they know who they are )
we just fuel the hatred ,let's debate and discuss with out bad mouthing each other as there's no need,we dont learn anything that way, and this childish rubbish i'm going to ignore you,
you should be stonger in your believes to take there arguement and retort with a better one. grow up for god's, allah's sake.
I would like to name and shame but this make's me as bad as them.
lets talk not fight if your arguement is good then theres no need for fighting
only the weak minded fight.
I totally agree
why can't we discuss an issue peacefully?
All religions are equal, why does one have to be better than another?
I oppose hatred and offensive remarks of any kind

Ah, an idealist in our midst.

You're right, of course, but I've discovered being right is becoming less and less important every day. Heh.

I'm with you in spirit, though I can't go quite as far as opposing all "offensive" remarks. After all, I'm a fan of comedy as well. Still, of all contentious issues, I've often thought religion is perhaps the most pointless to argue. Just think. Killing others over what happens when you die... the irony doesn't get any thicker than that, folks.

mustafhakofi :)

Good post and i like this line the most:

if your arguement is good then theres no need for fighting

But we live in a world of humans and we are tragically flawed. Discussing ones beliefs on eternity will always lead to someone being offended it is to be expected. If we are confident in our faith then all the insults will just pass harmlessly through us or the will flow off us like water of a ducks back. It would be great to be able to discuss these things with people all playing the ball and not the person. Such is life. it is an irritant but as long as you don't let it get to you, you can get your message out without slipping into the gutter with them and making a spectacle of oneself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days