Religious Atheïsm does it contradict?


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People often say they hang on to a certain belief system,...but isn't Atheïsm just another one of those? Isn't dis-belief also a belief?

And second:If you are an Atheïst, or you conceive yourself to be one, can one still be religious? Since religion doesn't really imply believing in a god or does it?

However: the dictionary tells me:

Entry Word: religion
Function: noun
Text: 1 a system of religious belief <tolerant of all religions>
Synonyms creed, cult, faith, persuasion
Related Word belief, doctrine
2 the body of persons who accept a system of religious belief <Jerusalem is a city sacred to three great religions>
Synonyms church, communion, connection, creed, cult, denomination, faith, persuasion, sect

but isn't there a distinction between religion and faith? I think there is, no?

Any thoughts are welcome!
yes athesim is a belief system.

and only a small part of religion ( i am atheist) is about god
alot of ppl subscribe to religion as i way to live your life, not to find the answers to lifes big questions.

so yes, there is a distinction between religion and faith. for there not to be you would probably have to find everynoe in the world who was religious and find if they believe in god or not......................... actually maybe not but hey, who givs a (********)
Mainstream atheism is not a belief system. Not believing something is true is not the same as believing it is false, one may simply not know and decide not to make a choice based on inadequate or absent evidence.

Buddhists are essentially atheists in that they have no belief in gods but they are religious.

Hmmm, lemme see now.

I'm sort of an agnostic atheist, I don't know if there is a God and I don't care if there is a God. But what really winds me up is all the fanatical religious idiots who spoil world peace.

I have just a few words to say about religion - "Get rid of it".
atheroy said:
Mainstream atheism
Atheism is definately not mainstream. Not even close.
It depends on where one looks. Atheism is definately not mainstream in a group of church goers. However, Atheism is mainstream in a group of evolutionary scientists.
I think that agnostics and atheists are very much mainstream in the secular countries.

I wonder how many people claim to be Christian in census and polls, but have only been to church just a few times in their life?

And all the people that go to a place of worship out of respect rather than belief?