Religious Aliens


Registered Senior Member
I personally believe it is highly doubtful we (humans) will discover intelligent (as in, say, as intelligent as a common animal here and up) life during my life time. Though, of course, I cannot predict the future of technology. Anyhow, say alien life contacted us. Say a couple little purple squid-rhino hybrid looking things floated down to earth one day and were able to write in English as they had studied us and our simple language.

My question is, what impact do you think this would have on organized religion? Would the Catholic church be able to answer the questions on what if the aliens have no religion? Or no savior? Would people leave religion? Would Christians, Moslems and Jews come to the conclusion that perhaps their special books are nothing more than moral guides for people who need guidlines? My question is aimed at everyone by the way, not just theists.

Oh, and Chosen, before you answer; I know this would have little to no affect on your belief in god(s).

Originally posted by Tyler
Oh, and Chosen, before you answer; I know this would have little to no affect on your belief in god(s).

Smart Tyler.

Organized religion will take a look in the faces of truth. The mirror of reviewing themselves in a critical manner.

And if they all hate us for it, it is because of not what we are, it is because of who they are.

Self-pride and convenient self-delusions are the problem.

Great post man :cool:

I believe in ONE God.

Well actually TWO GODS!

And the ONE GOD. :D :p :eek:

LoL :rolleyes:
A hyperdrive and a sacrifice cult?

So what happens if the aliens have religion?

Tiassa :cool:
Re: A hyperdrive and a sacrifice cult?

Originally posted by tiassa
So what happens if the aliens have religion?

Tiassa :cool:

we take them for a discussion tour in Sciforums:cool:
The aliens would of course be called devils, by those who's religion rejects the idea of life outside of Earth.
If the aliens had a religion, they would be sooo worshipped. People have been longing for the ultimate sect, and this would be IT!

Originally posted by Bebelina
The aliens would of course be called devils, by those who's religion rejects the idea of life outside of Earth. If the aliens had a religion, they would be sooo worshipped. People have been longing for the ultimate sect, and this would be IT!

But who (or what) would the aliens worship? ;)
no- I think Cthulhu.

but if for real- what else- some mythological imagination byproduct or what is more likely - an A.I.
That remains to be seen, doesn't it? Or is someone among us sitting on secret inside information? :p
Who has spoken with the alien god?
The aliens would be like new age masters, like candy for the spiritually starved people. And then, they would of course eat us. But we enjoyed the ride, right? :D

Originally posted by Bebelina

Or is someone among us sitting on secret inside information? :p
Who has spoken with the alien god?

Maybe I have and maybe I haven't -- how would you know?

Well, there are ways to find out, tricky questions that only one who has spoken with the alien god knows the answers too.
And, if you have been speaking with it, then you also know the questions that can reveal you as a truthspeaker, right?
Or, we could just use torture, if you are reluctant to cooperate.
go for torture Bebelina.
you can try to torture Xev at the same time.
she loves it
*A copy of "Justine" narrowly misses Avatar*

Now that was a warning shot! You behave now!
Originally posted by Bebelina

Well, there are ways to find out, tricky questions that only one who has spoken with the alien god knows the answers too.

But, unless you too have been speaking to the alien god, any answers I give could be correct...


And, if you have been speaking with it, then you also know the questions that can reveal you as a truthspeaker, right?

The wisdom of the alien god might be to lie about everything.


Or, we could just use torture, if you are reluctant to cooperate.

How would you know if my cooperation were true?

Originally posted by Xev

I wonder if this is how religions get started.

Sometimes it just takes a vision of loveliness to walk down the (cyber-) street in front of you...

:D :D :D :D :D
awwwwwwwww you missed

I missed on purpose! You get special leeway 'cuz you're cute. No longer!

*"Les infortunes de la Vertu" hits Avatar squarely in the chest*

Sometimes it just takes a vision of loveliness to walk down the (cyber-) street in front of you...

Ah, that too. I think we should start a religion. I call leader! I call leader!