

Registered Senior Member
Most humans have been given an innate ability to feel, to observe, to think, to reason, and to pray. But religiosity has always been used to prevent these given abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. When one observes the multitudes of different religious cultures in world you can see the programing/brainwashing that has taken place. The strange thing is even though a person may observe that indoctrination of a false beliefs has been taken place in the other religious belief systems this person may not realize that he or she has also been programed like wise that has hampered this persons given abilities to maturate to their full potential. Throughout history religiosity has caused more pain and destruction then we can ever imagine.
Most humans have been given an innate ability to feel, to observe, to think, to reason, and to pray. But religiosity has always been used to prevent these given abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human.
what makes you say "always"?
what group of humans did you use as a control group to determine what is full human potential?
When one observes the multitudes of different religious cultures in world you can see the programing/brainwashing that has taken place.The strange thing is even though a person may observe that indoctrination of a false beliefs has been taken place in the other religious belief systems this person may not realize that he or she has also been programed like wise that has hampered this persons given abilities to maturate to their full potential.
the same could be said of you
how do you realize that your beliefs are not in the same catagory?
For instance, how do you know your standards of a human "maturity" are not also false, a belief you have been brainwashed into?

Throughout history religiosity has caused more pain and destruction then we can ever imagine.
imagine seems to be the operative word
the same could be said of you
how do you realize that your beliefs are not in the same catagory?
For instance, how do you know your standards of a human "maturity" are not also false, a belief you have been brainwashed into?

I do realize that 'my beliefs' may be in the same catagory.

'My beliefs'? I don't belong to any church organization and don't belong to any religion. If their is a church that I could belong to it would be called 'The Church of Love'. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" One should not be self-centered and should not have an ethnocentric attitude towards others. This is my belief and if anyone believes that this is a false belief that's their belief.
I do realize that 'my beliefs' may be in the same catagory.

'My beliefs'? I don't belong to any church organization and don't belong to any religion. If their is a church that I could belong to it would be called 'The Church of Love'. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" One should not be self-centered and should not have an ethnocentric attitude towards others. This is my belief and if anyone believes that this is a false belief that's their belief.
I was referring to your beliefs about human maturity - these particular beliefs seem to be the foundation of your OP
Because this is a forum on religion I brought up the topic of religiosity preventing given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. I should have wrote that religiosity tries to prevent given innate abilities to maturate but does not always succeed.

All religious belief systems, small or big, are ehtnocentric in a self-centered way, saying we are the chosen ones.

Their are other ways that prevent given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential. For example: The use of drugs and alcohol. Putting a child in a closet - eg. > 'the farrow children', and you can probably list more ways.
Most humans have been given an innate ability to feel, to observe, to think, to reason, and to pray. But religiosity has always been used to prevent these given abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. When one observes the multitudes of different religious cultures in world you can see the programing/brainwashing that has taken place. The strange thing is even though a person may observe that indoctrination of a false beliefs has been taken place in the other religious belief systems this person may not realize that he or she has also been programed like wise that has hampered this persons given abilities to maturate to their full potential. Throughout history religiosity has caused more pain and destruction then we can ever imagine.
good post, but for you stating "most humans have been given an innate ability to prey", this is not so, but they do have a tendency to be gullible. thats where there religiosity comes from.
Because this is a forum on religion I brought up the topic of religiosity preventing given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. I should have wrote that religiosity tries to prevent given innate abilities to maturate but does not always succeed.

What is the basis for these beliefs of yours?
Because this is a forum on religion I brought up the topic of religiosity preventing given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. I should have wrote that religiosity tries to prevent given innate abilities to maturate but does not always succeed.

I don't see this restricted to religion, it seems to me to be a part of all socialization. For example, schooling. Talk about preventing innate abilities.

All religious belief systems, small or big, are ehtnocentric in a self-centered way, saying we are the chosen ones.

Most of the major religions cannot be ethnocentric because they are, well, followed by people from many ethnic groups (and nationalities and so on).

Their are other ways that prevent given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential. For example: The use of drugs and alcohol. Putting a child in a closet - eg. > 'the farrow children', and you can probably list more ways.

Sure, and many of them include
telling the children what is not possible
stifling their intuition and interests
teaching them that education is them parroting what they have been taught
teaching them slanted histories of their countries
all the gender based training that goes on

why, my god, this stuff is all over the place.
I don't see this restricted to religion, it seems to me to be a part of all socialization. For example, schooling. Talk about preventing innate abilities

I agree with you, but as history shows and is still happening a religious belief system has a great tendency to prevent anyone from within to think differently and to question its dogma, and the penalties can be very severe.

Many school system are directly connected to a religious belief system.
Many school system are directly connected to a religious belief system.

In the US anyway all public schools are connected to a belief system. It is called secular humanism, moral relativism, progressivism, or atheism. The belief that Man is supreme, not God.
Because this is a forum on religion I brought up the topic of religiosity preventing given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. I should have wrote that religiosity tries to prevent given innate abilities to maturate but does not always succeed.

All religious belief systems, small or big, are ehtnocentric in a self-centered way, saying we are the chosen ones.

Their are other ways that prevent given innate abilities to maturate to their full potential. For example: The use of drugs and alcohol. Putting a child in a closet - eg. > 'the farrow children', and you can probably list more ways.
you still haven't explained what are your beliefs regarding "human maturity" and why it is that religiosity stifles it.
Once you do this then we can more easily determine whether your beliefs have any real basis or are simply a reflection of your conditioning/brainwashing.
Most humans have been given an innate ability to feel, to observe, to think, to reason, and to pray. But religiosity has always been used to prevent these given abilities to maturate to their full potential in the human. When one observes the multitudes of different religious cultures in world you can see the programing/brainwashing that has taken place. The strange thing is even though a person may observe that indoctrination of a false beliefs has been taken place in the other religious belief systems this person may not realize that he or she has also been programed like wise that has hampered this persons given abilities to maturate to their full potential. Throughout history religiosity has caused more pain and destruction then we can ever imagine.
While it riles me to agree with LG :)p) on anything, I have to agree that this is mere confidence statement and nothing more.
You are starting with the premise that humans are brainwashed by religion, but unfortunately there is as yet no society / populace that can be said to be sufficiently removed from religion and its all-pervasive branches to be able to act as any semblance of a control-group.

The Western world is founded upon Christianity through its laws and thus its societal pressures, whether we agree with religion per se or more fundamentally the tenets of the religious beliefs. The Eastern world I understand to be equally so, although I am less knowledgable of that and stand to be corrected.

As a result it is impossible for you to prove any of what you say, no matter how intuitive it might sound.
For all we know it has been religion, and "religiosity" that has enabled humanity to reach their current status, by giving society a common understanding / goal etc.

If we are to discover a new race / tribe that has been cut-off from all matters religious for such a long time so as to be a valid control group - perhaps you could study them and make hypotheses etc. But until then (and unfortunately this is a highly unlikely scenario) what you are stating is nothing but a confidence statement.

And then there is the issue that whether religiosity is or is not the bane, or even is or is not a driver for development, of humanity, it is, of itself, neither evidence for nor against the beliefs of those religions.

i.e. whether religion has done good or bad is no guide to whether the beliefs of those religions are valid, correct, truth, lies, wishful thinking, mere possibilities, etc.

To think otherwise is logically fallacious.
regarding "human maturity"?

I have not used the term "human maturity". Human maturity is unique in every human as one's DNA is different from all the others.

Why it is that religiosity stifles it? It prevents freedom of the uniqueness in every human being to mature with the given innate abilities. With the female gender, religiosity has prevented their given innate abilities to mature throughout most the religious world. You can ask women why religiosity stifled them for generations.

For example, one religious man said to me, "We don't let our girls go beyond grade 8 because they may become to smart for their own good"
regarding "human maturity"?

I have not used the term "human maturity". Human maturity is unique in every human as one's DNA is different from all the others.

Why it is that religiosity stifles it?
Religion stifles DNA?
It prevents freedom of the uniqueness in every human being to mature with the given innate abilities. With the female gender, religiosity has prevented their given innate abilities to mature throughout most the religious world. You can ask women why religiosity stifled them for generations.
I take it you mean to ask those women who have specific issues against religion as opposed to those that don't?
Otherwise, feel free to inquire from our resident female muslim, SAM, how islam has stifled her development, or any one of the millions of religious women satisfied in their way of life.
(I remember a group of indian women laughing at western propaganda about how it was deemed stifling to wear a sari.)
It seems to be confirmed that your idea of what is "higher" is simply a reflection of your bias, values and cultural conditioning.

For example, one religious man said to me, "We don't let our girls go beyond grade 8 because they may become to smart for their own good"
another religious man has told me that it is important that his daughter gets an education.
so what gives?
My word usage must be flawed in what I'm trying to express and so you win this debate.
I think the flaw is not in the basic assertion / claim - that any form of "brainwashing" stifles potential - but in whether or not this premise can ever be proven.
I think it is something untestable (or would certainly like to know how it could be) and thus, while possibly an interesting subject, would all merely be opinion and confidence statements rather than anything more substantial.
I agree with you, but as history shows and is still happening a religious belief system has a great tendency to prevent anyone from within to think differently and to question its dogma, and the penalties can be very severe.

Many school system are directly connected to a religious belief system.
And many are not. In the US the public school system is not. And yet, somehow, they manage to do a lot of what you are concerned about. And so do secular parents. So do Marxists.

I think it is facile to focus only on religions. It lets everyone else off the hook. The rationalist parent who argues away their child's interests in, what the heck, the tarot, and uses shame is certainly a step up from the religious parents who instead of using shame, use a switch out behind the back of the house and then shame.

But I see a general widespread process where children are not really allowed to explore, be creative, and have their own thoughts.