religion's excuse for no proof of god


Registered Senior Member
One thing i hear a lot of religious people say about why science has found no proof of god is something along the lines of he is beyond our perception because our brains can not fully comprehend him or he resides in some other dimension or something like that that prevents science from finding proof. This actually seems somewhat plausible and I have no problem with someone using it as long as that person is a deist. But for Christianity and other religions that believe strongly in connecting with god and talking to and seeing god and all that stuff, this excuse does not work. If you want to be a deist and believe God created the laws of physics and set everything in motion and then left and thats why we cant see him, fine, but if you want to maintain that there is no proof of God because he dwells beyond us and in the same breath explain how you saw and talked to God the night before, you are being contradictory and not convincing.
By saying god exists on another plane of existence that we cannot comprehend, or it's no use trying to comprehend and it makes no sense to question it makes this place even more mysterious than God it seems. Convenient.
looking_forward said:
One thing i hear a lot of religious people say about why science has found no proof of god is something along the lines of he is beyond our perception because our brains can not fully comprehend him or he resides in some other dimension or something like that that prevents science from finding proof. This actually seems somewhat plausible and I have no problem with someone using it as long as that person is a deist. But for Christianity and other religions that believe strongly in connecting with god and talking to and seeing god and all that stuff, this excuse does not work. If you want to be a deist and believe God created the laws of physics and set everything in motion and then left and thats why we cant see him, fine, but if you want to maintain that there is no proof of God because he dwells beyond us and in the same breath explain how you saw and talked to God the night before, you are being contradictory and not convincing.

What baffles me is that some Christians (and followers of other religions) will admit that they cannot prove whether or not God exists, but they BELIEVE 'he' does (for no apparent reason). Yet they will also claim to be carrying out and living within 'his' wishes and rules. How does that work? :confused:
wsionynw said:
What baffles me is that some Christians (and followers of other religions) will admit that they cannot prove whether or not God exists, but they BELIEVE 'he' does (for no apparent reason). Yet they will also claim to be carrying out and living within 'his' wishes and rules. How does that work? :confused:
Maybe our genes are programmed differently? :)
Maybe God can't comprehend us? Technically, couldn' he create something that he couldn't comprehend? Yes? No? Either way it leaves him not all-powerful. WHOOPs!
ggazoo said:
I'd love to get your thoughts on this site:

that sight was pretty interesting, but it still makes the same error ive heard others make. They make god reside in other dimensions so as to make him invisible through all normal observation and also to explain seeimingly illogical statements about time by saying he is not restricted to the dimension of time. Like I said earlier, this is fine, maintain this viewpoint and you are either a deist or an agnostic, because there is no possible way to look in other dimensions. The site said that science can disprove a "straw man" god tat is limited to our 3 spatial and 1 time dimension, but not a transcendent god. My problem is that the christian god is both. In order to interact with humans like he supposedly does, he would have to enter into our dimensions, which would therby render him measurable and observable. A "god" can either be hidden and not interfere, or exposed and interfere. However, he is apparently hidden yet also interferes, which seems logically impossible.
Truth is the conformity of a concept or notion in the mind to actual reality.
Proof, on the other hand, is a demonstration that a given reality is valid.
Let's not forget all those DECEIVERS that dont want you to know the truth.

They are very active here in this forum.

If I were to point out to you that the sciforums logo is blue letters SF, but you are color blind, it would matter how much I tried to describe the color blue to you, you just would not get it.

You have to ask God for the power to see with the eyes of Faith.
Perhaps my Xian friends can enlighten me.... at what point in the Bible does God start becoming less noticeable? I mean in the early Biblical days He popped up on a regular basis, even for dinner. Why does He become reclusive? Was there pressure on the scribes in those days to move God out of the limelight because some tough questions, perhaps more philosophical than scientific were being asked?

It seems that with each successive generation God gets hidden away more and more.
Lawdog said:
If I were to point out to you that the sciforums logo is blue letters SF,
is it blue and there I thought it was red
Lawdog said:
but you are color blind, it would matter how much I tried to describe the color blue to you, you just would not get it.
thats where your wrong, because if I only saw it in monocrome, it would still have a different tone/hue. but if I were blind from birth then there is no way you could discribe a colour, I would simply have to rely on my other senses.
Lawdog said:
You have to ask God for the power to see with the eyes of Faith.
if you dont use your senses to discern you surroundings, you in a sorry state, relying on a fantasy reality is lunacy.
The unfortunate thing about this forum and the religion sub-forum is that there aren’t enough Christians around to make a sport of it.

The ones that are around are reluctant to enter the fray of debate and they just sit there silently, smirking and shaking their heads from the sidelines, knowing what we are blind to and being enraptured by their own future possibilities, expressed as a throbbing pity for the rest of us misguided pagans.

This last picture fills me with glee.

I remember once, in another forum, a certain Eden of the Mind who I took great pleasure in playing with for months along with a Nietzschean who called himself Weary Locomotive.
Good times…good times….. :cool:

Meekness not only produces an inability to confront reality but it sometimes produces minds unable to confront anything directly.
They do it with feminine, sly methods and indirectness.

Their vengeance is personal and secretive, sometimes shared with others, of their kind, using innuendo which avoids the inconvenience of self-realization.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Perhaps my Xian friends can enlighten me.... at what point in the Bible does God start becoming less noticeable? I mean in the early Biblical days He popped up on a regular basis, even for dinner. Why does He become reclusive? Was there pressure on the scribes in those days to move God out of the limelight because some tough questions, perhaps more philosophical than scientific were being asked?

It seems that with each successive generation God gets hidden away more and more.

M*W: The illusion of God seemingly being there is only in the mind of mankind. The illusion seems to have weakened since we have become evolved, and we are now better able to understand that God was never there in the first place. It's like an awakening.
looking_forward said:
One thing i hear a lot of religious people say about why science has found no proof of god is something along the lines of he is beyond our perception because our brains can not fully comprehend him or he resides in some other dimension or something like that that prevents science from finding proof. This actually seems somewhat plausible and I have no problem with someone using it as long as that person is a deist. But for Christianity and other religions that believe strongly in connecting with god and talking to and seeing god and all that stuff, this excuse does not work. If you want to be a deist and believe God created the laws of physics and set everything in motion and then left and thats why we cant see him, fine, but if you want to maintain that there is no proof of God because he dwells beyond us and in the same breath explain how you saw and talked to God the night before, you are being contradictory and not convincing.

No not really. God has the ability to interact with His creation. If you like God has the ability to communicate with us from His "dimension" to our dimension. A part of faith is knowing some things and trusting on other things. If we knew God totally then the element of trust would not be needed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days