already stated this earlier.sorry I beg to differ, a subjective reality can only exist in the mind of the individual, reality can only be objective, that which effects the senses, my interpretation of reality, is the same as any other animal's interpretion.
me))and that ontological assumption is basis of materialistic philosophy. the idea of pire objctive materiality with no subjective interelation with individual. THAT is the aWFUL alientating factor and what justifies to themselves that they can do whatsoever hey like with material reality because it is mere 'object'! having no inner life like us
"two gorillas in a forest they both look ahead and theres two trees, they both see two trees, one of them does'nt see, a pink polar bear on a pogo stick, now does it. come on talk sense.
me))at the moment we aint talkin gorrilas, we are alkiing example you and me, or two humans looking at a tree. so. one is woking for a corporation who ants the 'site' for some godawful yet-ANOTHER conrete hell designed to make profit. the othe observer understands ecosystems and how they are needed for healthy environemt. BOTH are being objective ANDsubjejective, but te one who is willing to cut tree down for profit is pretending o be wholly objective and not realize his subjectivity is manipulted by a divisive philosophy which cuts hs sense of meaning from Natue which is his natrual sustainer
however if I personal want to halucinate an alternative reality, in my mind then that my perogative, but it is'nt sensible to believe it's real.