

The non-believer
Registered Senior Member
Most religions are based on Gods that there is no proof exists. The only 'evidence' is through that religions holy books and prophets and 'miracles' witnessed by people. This is why i refuse to submit myself to religion as i believe that i would be wasting my life believing in something with no solid facts to support it. By the way im a man of science not faith.
I think there are quite a few threads based around that very concept. The conclusions drawn were something along the lines of, those religions were invented to keep the people in line, the holy books were written by men, as means of helping the legend grow and back up the idea of a God etc.
jax0509 said:
By the way im a man of science not faith.

I think that there is a possibility to be both. They are different. Science attempts to understand the world that we observe. Religion attempts to understand why there are things that we can observe. They have different aims, different goals.

What has been done is people have said there is no proof of God's existence, and then made the connection that the term proof runs along the same lines as science. Therefore, they must be opposites.

Science is nothing more than observation that still relies on faith. First, we have to recognize that we are limited by our sense, space and time. We can observe and observe and observe, and we can make a logical "assumption" that our observation will happen that way again. And we have every reason to, because if we observe again, it still happens. But in all actually that only proves that for every time we have observed so far that has been the outcome. It makes an assumption, and maybe a very good one, that once observed again the behavior will be the same, but that is not proof that it will happen again.

Faith in that situation is very important. Because without it we would not have the knowledge that we have and the advances that we've made. Without that faith we would be afraid that anything could happen at any time for which we cannot be prepared for.

So, science has been man's response to fear as much as religion has. By being a man of science you are wasting your life believing in something there is only past proof of observation, but never future proof (only future assumption).

I'm not saying that that is a bad path to take, but to point out that to be a science man or a religious man might not mean that much.
thx madmax i think you raise a valid point, however i think that religion has generally led to regression rather than progression in history. think the middle ages where medicine was halted because the church refused to accept it. also i think that it is more than coincidence that western countries who have become less and less led by religion have progressed further than countries like iran who are still led by their faith
What if religion is not based on Gods or proof of them, but the beneficial effects of it to the believer? You focus in reducing the religion to basic assumptions, because that is how science works, but that is not how religion works. Look at Mormons, for instance. The power of their religion has little to do with the questionable nature of their prophet and his claims. A scientific study of religion might prove that it evolved as an adaptive function to benefit both the individual and society.
A scientific study of religion might prove that it evolved as an adaptive function to benefit both the individual and society.

That is exactly what religion was.

Religion is a primitive form of philosophy--an attempt to offer a comprehensive view of reality--many of it's myths are distorted, dramatised allegories based on some element of truth, some actual, if profoundly elusive, aspect of man's existence. Rand

However when these ancient "philosophies" collide, the differences between them often brought controversies, disagreements, and wars. Still do today.

**So why is it so many religions have come to favor light and despise darkness? Perhaps it's because religion itself developed as a reaction to darkness, to not knowing. In his work on the origin of consciousness, Professor Julian Jaynes attributes the rise of religion to humanity's loss of certainty. Jaynes believes, for good reason if one reads his work, that human beings once hallucinated voices that gave guidance and instructions amidst life's uncertainties. When the voices suddenly fell silent, for several reasons, religion was developed to fill the silent void.**click ref

Julian Jaynes has a good explanation on the origins of religion

'so why is it so many religions have to to favour light and depise darkness'

please listen...those religions anc ults and ideologies are ptriarchal. IFas yo claim you are 'scientific' doesn't tis include lookin at religion in a scientific way....?? collating facts, investigating its history and so on? wel Do it. and you will find that the ptriarchal beliefs come from worship of solar/sun and stella/space

for these beliefs dark=evil and light=good and males are closer to light and women to darkeness...AND lighter skinned pepple are equalling light/good and darker skinned pople equalling/dark/bad

is you gerting it. and many people all tis supersition has died in te so-called scientific age...but shhhhhhh it aint. it lives on and on Uconsciously!!!!!because yo aint just what you think ypu is...some kind of rational objectivist being all scientificy and 'pure'--oh know, beneath tat facade is depthless depth. and what YOURmaterialistic 'religion' do is...DENIES all that, and pathologizes it. so it is just AS oppressive as the Churchian times

but...alas, i bet you will refuse to see this
spidergoat said:
What if religion is not based on Gods or proof of them, but the beneficial effects of it to the believer? You focus in reducing the religion to basic assumptions, because that is how science works, but that is not how religion works. Look at Mormons, for instance. The power of their religion has little to do with the questionable nature of their prophet and his claims. A scientific study of religion might prove that it evolved as an adaptive function to benefit both the individual and society.
yes spider ignorance is bliss, but it has'nt helped humanity advance one iota, all we have is a world, that is two thirds populated with happy halfwits(it's redneck heaven), however, man is now getting the education, and science is allowed to progress. pretty soon man wont need the comfort blanket they call religion.
as knowledge brings an immence sense of well being, why should we remain blissfully ignorant.
geeser said:
yes spider ignorance is bliss, but it has'nt helped humanity advance one iota, all we have is a world, that is two thirds populated with happy halfwits(it's redneck heaven), however, man is now getting the education, and science is allowed to progress. pretty soon man wont need the comfort blanket they call religion.
as knowledge brings an immence sense of well being, why should we remain blissfully ignorant.
'blissfully ignorant'---hah, yu mean like totally ignoring my post above......whatyalike you people
duendy said:
'so why is it so many religions have to to favour light and depise darkness'

please listen...those religions anc ults and ideologies are ptriarchal. IFas yo claim you are 'scientific' doesn't tis include lookin at religion in a scientific way....?? collating facts, investigating its history and so on? wel Do it.
but what if anything, is scientific about religion, it's an ideolgy based of faith.
duendy said:
and you will find that the ptriarchal beliefs come from worship of solar/sun and stella/space
but they did not know the were solar or stella only that they were gods.
heck some people still do, some still think the earths flat.
duendy said:
for these beliefs dark=evil and light=good and males are closer to light and women to darkeness...AND lighter skinned pepple are equalling light/good and darker skinned pople equalling/dark/bad[/ quote] yes and it is rank stupidity, irrationality rules with the religious.
duendy said:
is you gerting it. and many people all tis supersition has died in te so-called scientific age...but shhhhhhh it aint. it lives on and on Uconsciously!!!!!because yo aint just what you think ypu is...some kind of rational objectivist being all scientificy and 'pure'--oh know, beneath tat facade is depthless depth. and what YOURmaterialistic 'religion' do is...DENIES all that, and pathologizes it. so it is just AS oppressive as the Churchian times

but...alas, i bet you will refuse to see this
we all have our subjective side, however some of us, do not let it control our lives.
as that would be foolish, ignorant, and infantile.
geeser said:
but what if anything, is scientific about religion, it's an ideolgy based of faith.but they did not know the were solar or stella only that they were gods.
heck some people still do, some still think the earths flat.
duendy said:
for these beliefs dark=evil and light=good and males are closer to light and women to darkeness...AND lighter skinned pepple are equalling light/good and darker skinned pople equalling/dark/bad[/ quote] yes and it is rank stupidity, irrationality rules with the religious.we all have our subjective side, however some of us, do not let it control our lives.
as that would be foolish, ignorant, and infantile.
ohhhh geeser, it isn' as easy as that! these deep parts of you are rather in control of YOU, yeah. dont you see??
you are not just an objective being, but also are subjective. IF you dont see this andpretend tat you can keep your subjectivity at bay 'in the name of science' IS the problem. because willy nilly your interpretation OF relaity IS BOTH objective AND subjective
duendy said:
ohhhh geeser, it isn' as easy as that! these deep parts of you are rather in control of YOU, yeah. dont you see??
you are not just an objective being, but also are subjective.
already stated this earlier.
duendy said:
IF you dont see this andpretend tat you can keep your subjectivity at bay 'in the name of science' IS the problem. because willy nilly your interpretation OF relaity IS BOTH objective AND subjective
sorry I beg to differ, a subjective reality can only exist in the mind of the individual, reality can only be objective, that which effects the senses, my interpretation of reality, is the same as any other animal's interpretion.

"two gorillas in a forest they both look ahead and theres two trees, they both see two trees, one of them does'nt see, a pink polar bear on a pogo stick, now does it. come on talk sense.

however if I personal want to halucinate an alternative reality, in my mind then that my perogative, but it is'nt sensible to believe it's real.
geeser said:
already stated this earlier.sorry I beg to differ, a subjective reality can only exist in the mind of the individual, reality can only be objective, that which effects the senses, my interpretation of reality, is the same as any other animal's interpretion.

me))and that ontological assumption is basis of materialistic philosophy. the idea of pire objctive materiality with no subjective interelation with individual. THAT is the aWFUL alientating factor and what justifies to themselves that they can do whatsoever hey like with material reality because it is mere 'object'! having no inner life like us

"two gorillas in a forest they both look ahead and theres two trees, they both see two trees, one of them does'nt see, a pink polar bear on a pogo stick, now does it. come on talk sense.

me))at the moment we aint talkin gorrilas, we are alkiing example you and me, or two humans looking at a tree. so. one is woking for a corporation who ants the 'site' for some godawful yet-ANOTHER conrete hell designed to make profit. the othe observer understands ecosystems and how they are needed for healthy environemt. BOTH are being objective ANDsubjejective, but te one who is willing to cut tree down for profit is pretending o be wholly objective and not realize his subjectivity is manipulted by a divisive philosophy which cuts hs sense of meaning from Natue which is his natrual sustainer

however if I personal want to halucinate an alternative reality, in my mind then that my perogative, but it is'nt sensible to believe it's real.
no yu believe your 'objectivity' is 'real' and will carry on the dirty work of your soul-dead 'heros'
duendy said:
and that ontological assumption is basis of materialistic philosophy. the idea of pire objctive materiality with no subjective interelation with individual. THAT is the aWFUL alientating factor and what justifies to themselves that they can do whatsoever hey like with material reality because it is mere 'object'! having no inner life like us
what are you rambling on about, how can you do, whatever you like with material reality, you cant change whats real, only your subjective mind can alter your reality.
duendy said:
at the moment we aint talkin gorrilas, we are alkiing example you and me, or two humans looking at a tree. so. one is woking for a corporation who ants the 'site' for some godawful yet-ANOTHER conrete hell designed to make profit. the othe observer understands ecosystems and how they are needed for healthy environemt. BOTH are being objective ANDsubjejective, but te one who is willing to cut tree down for profit is pretending o be wholly objective and not realize his subjectivity is manipulted by a divisive philosophy which cuts hs sense of meaning from Natue which is his natrual sustainer
I think you've mistaken the religious forum fo the political one, what does my objectivity/subjectivity, have to do with ecosystems/corporate concrete hells. just because I use my objective mind, rather than cloud my vision with fantasy does not mean, I dont delve into my subjective side, and also I'm a humanist/atheist do you know what that means, I have more care for man and his enviroment, in my little finger than I million xians, I just dont go round sucking on a security blanket called religion.
duendy said:
no yu believe your 'objectivity' is 'real' and will carry on the dirty work of your soul-dead 'heros'
what soul, some evidence of one existing, would help you case.
lets not get into who's, dirty and who's not, I think we all know who are the more pure, dont we.
however, man is now getting the education, and science is allowed to progress. pretty soon man wont need the comfort blanket they call religion

Actually this is unlikely. From a statistical perspective: The uneducated, (and thus higher religious), have more children than the educated. There are various sources for this, and I can dig them up if asked.
Religion helped unites people and give them a common morality to live by which was beneficial to the society as a whole. Religion gives people a sense of community. Religion is a cultural shaper because of its comprehensive nature. Religion was part or the government.

Religion is here with us to stay. It takes new modern forms in the socialistic and communist doctrines. If you see, they will usually agree with the morality of the prophets, sages, and other holy men, even to the point that they create a theocracy, although many fail to see it in its modern guise of the state...
Religion helped unites people and give them a common morality to live by which was beneficial to the society as a whole

While also realising that there is room for only 1. Once it is found there are other religions that conflict yours, intolerance is born - as are wars and death for anyone that disagrees with you. Indeed not only other religions, but anyone who's view of what "morality" encompasses differ from yours.

P.S That's a universal "your", I don't mean you specifically.
snakelord said:

Actually this is unlikely. From a statistical perspective: The uneducated, (and thus higher religious), have more children than the educated. There are various sources for this, and I can dig them up if asked.
oh shit that was one of my dreams, however snakelord I dont doubt your right.

Arkantos said:
Religion helped unites people and give them a common morality
? morality, how so, man had morality before religion, but now he could kill because his god said so. wow thats moral.
Arkantos said:
to live by which was beneficial to the society as a whole.
or the society, he was in, if he was of a different society then he was like to be killed by the other society.
Arkantos said:
Religion gives people a sense of community.
and a mind set to kill.
Arkantos said:
Religion is a cultural shaper because of its comprehensive nature. Religion was part or the government.
unfortunately so, hence why so many wars.
Arkantos said:
Religion is here with us to stay.
hope not man would survive much better without it.
Arkantos said:
It takes new modern forms in the socialistic and communist doctrines.
well if you believe these are religions then thats your perogative I suppose.
Arkantos said:
If you see, they will usually agree with the morality of the prophets, sages, and other holy men, even to the point that they create a theocracy, although many fail to see it in its modern guise of the state...
sadly man can be easierly indoctrinated, but with education someday maybe, someday.
Arkantos said:
Religion helped unites people and give them a common morality to live by which was beneficial to the society as a whole.

Wrong, religion divides people and gives them unrealistic perceptions of reality. How does an afterlife benefit anyone?

Religion is here with us to stay.

Wrong again, eventually, through education, religion will be eradicated.
Wrong again, eventually, through education, religion will be eradicated.

Like I stated to Geeser, that is hard given that the poor and uneducated have more children than the educated. Can't really blame them I suppose.. they need 100 kids just to ensure they get enough crop to survive on once they're old and cannot work for themselves. So a bunch of religious folk go over and dig a few pits for them while selling their religious ideals to a bunch of people that have no choice but to accept them due to their predicaments. They still have a bunch of kids, now all religious - and while they now don't instantly die from drinking water, they're still just as poor and still have no decent education.

And not one of them has the intelligence to ask that why, if this god being sold to them is real, he decided to make it impossible to grow food on a large portion of the planet - where diseases created by that being kill many of them before their third birthdays.. and why they don't get rain like other places. The religious man just tells them that if they worship a specific god they will eventually have a nice life part II. It doesn't stop the shit life they have right now where they're most likely going to die from some disgustingly violent and sickening infestation - but that's probably exactly why they buy the belief... they have to. To think they have but one life, and they're going to spend that whole time being infected by mosquitos, and watching their children die in such vile ways.. Bring on the comfort blanket.