Religion the cause of the worlds troubles?


Registered Member
Or is it just that Religion has never got in the way of secular/worldly ambition?

After all, qoutes taken form the Bible/Torah/Koran in or out of context can be used to justify ANYTHING, from blowing up civilians to purging out those who are different.
We don't use physics to rule the world, neither do we use chemistry or biology or sports or table manners or music. Governing requires democracy, so why do we pollute religion and mix it with government and dirty politics, while we don't do that to music, table manners, and Physics.....Why do we allow other diciplines to flourish and advance properly outside the political arena while we choke religion and blame it for everything in life.

Religion, n 1) The first refuge of the desperate; 2) A convenient
way of avoiding such unpleasantries as reality and independent
thought; 3) A means of feeling superior to others; 4) A cult which
has achieved sufficient longevity, membership, and clout to merit
social acceptance. -The American Heretic's Dictionary
Evil Poet,
I suggest you change dictionary, your current dictionary is very opinionated:D
Originally posted by Flores
We don't use physics to rule the world, neither do we use chemistry or biology or sports or table manners or music. Governing requires democracy, so why do we pollute religion and mix it with government and dirty politics, while we don't do that to music, table manners, and Physics.....Why do we allow other diciplines to flourish and advance properly outside the political arena while we choke religion and blame it for everything in life.

Zero is seriously perplexed, and asks Flores how one would "rule the world" with physics/chemistry/biology/sports/tablemanners/music. He also points out the people who strap themselves to explosives and slaughter civilians in the name of their god.
Originally posted by Zero
Zero is seriously perplexed

Nothing new here, Zero must repeat preschool and kindergarden, and Flores doesn't feel like wasting her time educating him from grounds up.
Originally posted by EvilPoet
I feel exactly the same way about your dogma. :D

Dogma meaning belief, doctrine, creed, ect...... Last time I checked, opinions play a big role in establishing one's belief, on the other hand, dictionaries, computers, ect....are not allowed opinions.....Get it my evil friend.:confused:
There is no single cause of the world's troubles. If there was, then we could just eliminate that cause and everybody would be happy. In reality, the world is much more complex than that.
Originally posted by Flores
Dogma meaning belief, doctrine, creed, ect......


Typically in Christian theology, but generally in other religions' theologies too, a dogma is an absolute theological foundation, that must be strictly held as an indisputable principle in order to be a faithful follower of that religion.

Dogma eminently distinguishes itself from theological opinions, or beliefs, about which the faithful are free to disagree, for its absolute character; as a fundamental part of the religion, it cannot be disputed, revised or otherwise doubted, but has to be respected by faith. However, dogmas can be discussed and even expanded upon, provided that doing so doesn't overturn or contradict the original teaching. The disagreement on dogmas is heresy and usually leads to the expulsion of the heretics from the religious group. The specific beliefs on dogmas and their sources, can considerably vary among religious groups.

For most of Eastern Christianity, the dogmas are contained in the Nicene Creed and the first two, three, or seven ecumenical councils (depending on whether one is a Nestorian, a Monophysite, or an Eastern Orthodox Christian). Protestants may also affirm these, but often rely on a "Statement of Faith" which summarizes their dogmas, drawn up by their individual denomination.

The term dogma has been imported in politics too, where it stands for a concept that expresses a substantial element of the ideological referring doctrine. Often, but not exclusively, said of the established party line of a political party, in the journalistic jargon.

It is commonly used, in everyday speech (even about politics), to indicate a fact that is considered absolutely self-evident by its believers, without thought to its accuracy or relevance or to different opinions on the same subject, particularly where the "dogma" is long established within a group or organisation.

Source: Wikipedia
NO,people are the cause of the worlds troubles.

Wanna stop problems?
remove people!
Originally posted by MrMynomics

Huh,are you talking about jonestown, mr jones preacher man,made em all drink poisoned wine.

Jim jones made 914 people commit suicide,cos some heavily armed members of the Temple's security guards arrived and started shooting they decided to die fearing retrebution.

Quiet nasty 638 adults and 276 children all in the name of religion.
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