Religion set to become Extinct..


Realistically Surreal
Registered Senior Member
Scientists processed the census results from 8 countries and discovered that people were increasingly returning results indicating religion was on its way out saying, "The result, reported at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas, US, indicates that religion will all but die out altogether in those countries."
the countries studied were: Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.

So God had better get his skates on if he wants to find any believers if He ever bothers to come back here.

Is this one extinction that would benefit the world?
I don't reckon it will ever become completely extinct as long as there are poor in the world.
But it will inevitably become almost extinct in the most technologically advanced societies.
I don't reckon it will ever become completely extinct as long as there are poor in the world.
But it will inevitably become almost extinct in the most technologically advanced societies.

you are so wise and that makes so much sense, that's why a developed country such as america is mostly christian. that's also why so many wealthy people also are christian.

yes, that makes so much sense. do you really believe that religion has to do with whether they are poor or not?

why do people spread such bs?
Open your eyes.

Africa is very, very religious, in the high 90s percentage. I spent 3 months in a major African city and every Sunday the entire city of 1.5 Million shut down.
The Middle East has high religion figures.
Religion in Europe is gradually decreasing.

Generally speaking, poorer countries are more religious.
Look at this red map for example:

With technology, better education and a higher standard of living comes less reasons to carry on with the rituals and worships of many of the world religions. How can you not see that trend?
Scientists processed the census results from 8 countries and discovered that people were increasingly returning results indicating religion was on its way out saying, "The result, reported at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas, US, indicates that religion will all but die out altogether in those countries."
the countries studied were: Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.

So God had better get his skates on if he wants to find any believers if He ever bothers to come back here.

Is this one extinction that would benefit the world?

Sounds like another ambitious atheist categorizing those who have no religious affiliation as their own ilk in order to swell their numbers

.... many surveys have shown that far fewer people identify as atheists than lack belief in God. For example, Greeley's 2003 survey found that 31% of Britons did not believe in God, but only 10% considered themselves 'atheist'.
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Just think that less than about 10,000 years ago there was no religions and people then lived just fine, just without the "stuff" we have around us today. I'd think that if religion wasn't around that mans laws would be the primary things that make any society what it becomes.
Open your eyes.

Africa is very, very religious, in the high 90s percentage. I spent 3 months in a major African city and every Sunday the entire city of 1.5 Million shut down.
The Middle East has high religion figures.
Religion in Europe is gradually decreasing.

Generally speaking, poorer countries are more religious.
Look at this red map for example:

With technology, better education and a higher standard of living comes less reasons to carry on with the rituals and worships of many of the world religions. How can you not see that trend?

if that is so, why is a major power like america majority theist? europe does not have the wealth that america has or is as powerful. let me know when a major developed and wealthy country stops believing in the flying spagetti monster. not going to church that often or being preocuppied with other activities has little effect on one's belief system or how they reason or think. if that were the case, all those christians or whatever religion that go to church every sunday wouldn't be able to function in society if it hindered them. it doesn't. poor has nothing to do with it. america is an example of that. you mean more educated societies tend to veer away from extreme rituals.

instead of defending what you said carelessly, just modify it, instead of pretending another is incorrect. you mentioned 'poor' and 'technologically advanced'. europe is neither the most wealthy or the most technologically advanced. there are other factors that are in play that is contributing to it. i would think it's probably a better education more than wealth. they also tend to be more socialist so more people have access to better education so you have a more informed society overall so they would eventually veer away from the more superstitious or unreasonable belief systems . also, china was very poor but mostly secular while america was very wealthy and religious, so your point wasn't very accurate.

i think your argument is apples vs oranges and you are unfairly projecting religion onto the poor though it may seem that is the reason on the surface. it's mostly education or the type of education.
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Good everything needs to evolve, I'm sure its just a matter of time untill a breakthrough is made changing our outlook on science; maybe leaving room for a scientific-religion.
The need for religious belief is a common flaw in the human psyche. I can see this reducing over the next century or so, but not disappearing. Unless we alter human genetics, that weakness will keep reappearing.