Religion - Politics

Um, I felt a little sick to my stomach after watching this last night.

Once again, RP nails it. Do you think they are really this convicted or are they catering to the overwhelming religiosity of America?

People are stupid. War against Christianity? Please!

They talk about "freedom of religion", but in reality, they mean "freedom of the Christian religion" because they'd be so quick to take away the rights of everyone who's not a Christian heterosexual male. Everyone on that stage, with exception to Paul, can suck it.
Um, I felt a little sick to my stomach after watching this last night.

Once again, RP nails it. Do you think they are really this convicted or are they catering to the overwhelming religiosity of America?

They are catering to the religious. They would be praising satan if they thought there where more satanist voters then religious.

They believe in nothing but the personal benefits of power.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
They all try to appeal to everyone to garner votes for themselves promising everyone that listens to them things they want to hear but once elected politicians don't live up to what they say.