Religion; Philosophy or Psychology?


The Art Of Fact
Registered Senior Member
I do NOT mean the idea of the existance of God, just religion itself... Is religion philosophical in that it searches for the truth, or is it psychological in that it comforts people, and can be used for justification?
Is religion philosophical in that it searches for the truth

Religion doesn't search for the truth, it tells you what it is. In my eyes it is distinctly aphilosophical because it is true not because of some reasoning, some observation and comtemplation of the world but because "God(s) says". Buddhism the exception, it is considered a philosophy, anyway.

.... or is it psychological in that it comforts people, and can be used for justification?

It definitely is a psychological comfort, this does not suggest that this is all it is though.
I think its both. The values of religons are philosophy, and it provides comfort through its teachings.
"Is religion philosophical in that it searches for the truth"

Philosophy is (or should be) scientific. Religion starts with a clear-cut, unchangable answer and on the rare occasion attempts to prove it. This is not a scientific method of dealing with things.

"or is it psychological in that it comforts people"

What the hell do you mean "is it psychological"? Your first question seems to indicate that you want to know whether or not religion can be seen as a philosophy. But this question means absolutely nothing. Everything has a psychological affect, if this is what you are asking.
I mean to ask is religion the offspring of philosophy (search for truth) or psychology (search for mental health, ie comfort).
My thoughts:
Man created god to explain the unexplaineble. Man created science to explain the unexplaineble created by god. Man created math to give logic to science so that it could explain the unexplaineble created by god. And when man explains the unexplained, man won't need a god.
Originally posted by mindraker
My thoughts:
Man created god to explain the unexplaineble.
Don't you want to credit the great Dr Lou Natic when using his awesome quote? :cool:
Just kidding, I did say that exact same thing a while ago but its a fairly obvious observation to make.
I would say that religion kind of uses philosophy to help people's mental heath. It's very comforting to have some sort of philosphy that claims to have answers. If you buy into it then you now have a purpose and some ready made answers. the meaning of life is a popular question and religion answers it for you. This is how i view some religion. at least the whole sale buying into it without really considering other options.

i might go so far to even say that most people need religion. you might be surprised how unsettling the idea that we may be glorified monkeys with no special purpose is to some people. people want answers, easy ones preferably, and religion can do that for them if they want it to.
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
you might be surprised how unsettling the idea that we may be glorified monkeys with no special purpose is to some people. people want answers, easy ones preferably, and religion can do that for them if they want it to.

I wouldn't be surprised at all.

That is a big part of what causes the vast majority of human beings to hold onto the idea that there is a God and an afterlife.

Mankind is an egotistical race.
(perhaps a natural result of being aware of his own mortality and frailty combined with the survival instinct)
People can not come to terms and accept mortality and their own insignificance.

They try to live for ever by living through their children, designing and constructiong buildings and monuments, becoming famous so they will be remembered and inventing afterlifes.

If man was not so egotistical, he may be able to accept that he is no more special or significant* in the grand scheme of the universe than a house fly, nor intrinsically more deserving of anything.
(*except, of course the fact that man is the only species that destroys the planet and murders other species for any reason other than survival.)

Man needs to get over himself and accept his own mortality.
Even if one was to believe in religion it still offers no more answers than anything else, there is still the infamous question of "why?"
Why is there anything.... AT ALL?
but for the glory of God silly? ;)

I wouldn't be surprised at all.

well i was surprised when i first learned it.

raven, yeah i totally 2nd pretty much all of your post. we are pretty egotistical.
Why is there a glory of god? Why is there a god? Why dammit! WHY?!!! ;)

I whole heartedly agree with everything one_raven said also, my feelings put in front of me with words perfectly.
But religious people aren't the only people who feel this way, I am the only person I've met in real life that thinks if anything people are LESS important than other animals, particularly individuals, every species has an equal importance but us humans could stand to lose a few.