Religion of Love

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Registered Senior Member
The Way of Jesus is the 'religion of Love'.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

Their are so many, espesially the world leaders that cannot find The Way which is the road to Peace because they are lost.

I have little story about some guys that are lost because they have not found the road to Peace. They met a certain man and he asked, "Where are you guys going?"

They answered, "we're looking for the road to Peace, for years we have traveled on many roads and we can not find the road to Peace."

The man answered, "You past that road you were looking for, somebody took out the sign post a long long time ago"

They said, "Yeah, we past a road that was not well traveled, kind of over grown, and we didn't know where that road would lead us to, so we kept on walking. Can you tell us the name of that road, so that we can make new sign for that roadto Peace."

The man answered, "The name of the road is Love, and it's the only road to Peace."

They replied, "Thankyou Sir, We'll put up a sign with the name of the road and its destination, it will say " LOVE the only road to Peace." Do think that's okay Sir?"

The man answered, "Sure, that's really great because very few ask for the name of the road Peace"

They said to the man, "Sir, we are sure glad that we met you, because we would have never found the road to Peace on our own. Sorry to take up your time; Oh, we'd like to ask one one more question. How did you know the name of that road to Peace?"

The man answered them saying, "There was a Man from a long time ago that knew the name of this road to Peace; but not many believed Him, many hated this Man and they killed Him because He walked this road, and was telling the people about this road that you guys were looking for. To make long story short, He told me the name of the road to Peace. You guys should get back to that road and put up that sign, because there are and will be many more people looking for that road to Peace."

Do you know of any other road to Peace?

May His love be with you, Paul
Really your not allowed to preach on here? I didn't know that. Seems like a lot of people do.

Bat, I thought your post was very nice. Jesus certainly was a peacemaker.
hug-a-tree said:
Jesus certainly was a peacemaker.
some peacemaker :rolleyes:
I especialy like this verse

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother- in-law...."
..........Matthew 10:34
That was actually a pretty good parable of sorts. Well thought out and written. Good job.
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