religion is philosophy,

Why would religious people post in a philosophy section when their is a designated religion section?

And I would say religion has transcended mere philosophy, it has become a truth to the people who practice it.
the religion sub-forum is in the philosophy section, (it's quite obvious why it's there, Quark ) there are also two sub-forums on philosophy eastern and general, and one on ethics, so what was the question again.
oh yes, well it's in the philosophy section but the nonscientific status of religion takes it away from actual philosophy, it would be arbitrary and wasteful for a believer to try to build up a philosophy on his own personal, unscientific experiences without regard to the work of the sciences, the reason it's here is to discuss the history, psychology, and sociology of religion. but philosophy would be spin in it's grave, if it had to contend with the unscientific illogical irrationality which could lead no one to a trustworthy conclusion of the real world.
Since anyone can create ther own God...

Philosophy asks questions that may never be answered.
Religion creates answers that may never be questioned.

"Religious Philosophy" is an oxymoron; philosophy is (literally, and, essentially-) the love of wisdom, while religions (particularly theisms) can be aptly characterized as gross departures from wisdom and understanding.

No practical wisdoms exist within the memetic repertoire of any religion (or their cultural mores) which aren't also grounded in material existence; whether one considers epistemologial, ethical, or even hypothetical facets of philosophy- they are all tacitly, and necessarily, material- because they must be tied to something objective.

Otherwise, such memes could not be characterized sufficiently to replicate and evolve between persons and peoples.

Mythbuster said:
Since anyone can create ther own God...

Philosophy asks questions that may never be answered.
Religion creates answers that may never be questioned.

ahh yes, i liked that very good,
