Religion is not the source of war

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
The underlying cause of war is greed . Nations embark on war for two main reasons 1 ) to acquire and secure markets for the benefit of their Industrial/financial complex , like the German invasion of Russia in 1941 , 2 ) to secure a strategic advantage so as to protect the sovereignty of their Industrial/financial complex from other rivals , like the current US invasion of Iraq . To secure public approval for an invasion , the Establishment of the aggressor nation , embarks on a campaign exploiting the differences of their intended victim in Religion , Race , Nationality ,or Political System giving this as the reason for the Invasion . Once the aggressor nation has invaded and occupied the victim nation , the conquering nation exploits rival differences in that nation , like the European nations in Africa exploiting trbal differences . Or like in Catholic Ireland actually creating the problem by settling large numbers of Protestant British Immigrants , or South Africa implanting a White minority into the Black majority in other words creating a ' DIVIDE AND CONQUER ' situation . Only one conflict has it source in religion that is Israel , this nation was soley founded on the religious belief that God promised this land and that the Jews shall return , in 1896 modern Zionism was born and was realized in 1948
Indeed, Stalin was an atheist and he alone slaughtered millions of wont find any hopeless athiest here utter a word about him !! :rolleyes:
Re: Stalin / Atheism

Re: Stalin & Atheism

That's a hugely separate issue by merit of the number of extensions one must go through to get from hopeless atheism to atheism and Stalinism; nonetheless, it's a valid one. But most self-identifying atheists seem to draw certain divisions specifically designed to make their atheistic choice exempt from criticism and to sever the relationship between that atheism and the decisions they make in their lives. I promise you that in Western atheism in general, and especially at Sciforums, that issue is considered removed from all things, including reality.

Religion in war is an identity politic, much as Mr. Foley has pointed out. In addition to irrational economic desire (e.g. greed), "ignorance" is also a cause of war. As people overcome specific ignorance in their lives, they come to transcend greed. In the end, stupid people are the cause of war; that stupidity consistently manifests itself in economic aspects, and hides inside identity politics.
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tiassa said:
Re: Stalin & Atheism

But most self-identifying atheists seem to draw certain divisions specifically designed to make their atheistic choice exempt from criticism and to sever the relationship between that atheism and the decisions they make in their lives.
I was unaware that you were familiar with most atheists. Those in my acquaintance are nothing like what you describe. Do you truly feel that we are all like that?
Proud Muslim,

Indeed, Stalin was an atheist and he alone slaughtered millions of wont find any hopeless athiest here utter a word about him !!
You are making the error of assuming that all atheists share the same aims and ideals. Atheists range from those with the highest sense of morality possible to the worst kind of criminal. There is no atheist ideology or guidebook. The sole issue that links all atheists is that they all lack a belief in a god or gods and for a vast variety of reasons. Any attempt to link them together on any other issue is invalid.

Here is a list of other famous atheists, agnostics, freethinkers etc. E.g. Lincoln, Einstein, Aldous Huxley, Earnest Himingway, Benjamin Franklin, Bertrand Russel, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, Voltaire, George Bernard Shaw, and many more.

Enjoy their quotes.

Brian Foley said:
The underlying cause of war is greed . Nations embark on war for two main reasons 1 ) to acquire and secure markets for the benefit of their Industrial/financial complex , like the German invasion of Russia in 1941 , 2 ) to secure a strategic advantage so as to protect the sovereignty of their Industrial/financial complex from other rivals , like the current US invasion of Iraq . To secure public approval for an invasion , the Establishment of the aggressor nation , embarks on a campaign exploiting the differences of their intended victim in Religion , Race , Nationality ,or Political System giving this as the reason for the Invasion . Once the aggressor nation has invaded and occupied the victim nation , the conquering nation exploits rival differences in that nation , like the European nations in Africa exploiting trbal differences . Or like in Catholic Ireland actually creating the problem by settling large numbers of Protestant British Immigrants , or South Africa implanting a White minority into the Black majority in other words creating a ' DIVIDE AND CONQUER ' situation . Only one conflict has it source in religion that is Israel , this nation was soley founded on the religious belief that God promised this land and that the Jews shall return , in 1896 modern Zionism was born and was realized in 1948

I believe that you are hinting about the reasons that the U.S.A. and company have taken out Saddam.

I feel that the reasons are a bit more complicated than that above. There many leaders with selfish ambitions, but there are also leaders with noble unselfish ambitions. I believe that G. W. Bush is the later. While I said unselfish, I did not say 'ideal' for the situation. Unless the world comes together and comes to an agreement on common interests, terrorism will continue to be a grave threat to us all. And if this yet to be obtained world in agreement is reached, it must be maintained. I believe I have the key making it possible. Miracles happen all the time. At the root of things, miracles are just things that we do not fully understand yet. I believe that I have discovered a miracle that can help maintain obtain and maintain a world in agreement. Someday this miracle that I have experienced can be explained too. But it never will, if brainwashed terrorists have their way. As people are so much like sheep, people have to make bold steps on their own to make it happen. For more info, check out my personal website.
Heh, there was some good quotes on that site. I only got through half of them but these are the ones I liked:

"I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment, to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure. " - Clarence Seward Darrow

"All religions have been made by men." - Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." - George Bernard Shaw

I like the one by Clarence Seward Darrow the most. That's pretty much my thoughts towards religion and why I'm agnostic as well. The Napoleon one sums it up pretty much too.

- N
Proud_Muslim said:
Indeed, Stalin was an atheist and he alone slaughtered millions of wont find any hopeless athiest here utter a word about him !! :rolleyes:
And dont forget that other charming atheist creed Nazism .
dan6989 said:
I believe that you are hinting about the reasons that the U.S.A. and company have taken out Saddam.
I only used that as a recent example of War for spurious means .
Athiests aren't contradicting their religious beliefs by being involved in war so its a non-issue. They are exempt from criticism because there is no code that must be abided by in order to be a good athiest.