Religion in the future


Registered Member
God’s Manifesto, 10 August, 2004

God, (which is Love), (the Original Intellect), and Universe Forces are the genesis from
which all energy develops. All has been created by God The Creator. All is centered
around Love and the Universes. Love is the foundation of solar systems, planetary
systems, populated worlds of Essences and Peoples, and is the core of God’s Heavens,
the populated worlds. God, created Entities to establish Essence People who then
established physical People. We are God’s Family, created in His Likeness, Essences of
intellect to populate the inhabitable worlds, with physical people of intellect. Heaven is
God’s design, the inhabitable worlds, and is the objective for all Essences and Peoples
everywhere in all Worlds.

God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. God, The Creator, is in communication
with each of all Entities, Essences and Peoples in all Worlds. Everyone should know
and talk with God. It is God’s desire and is so easy. Just talk to Him with questions and
you will get responses. The responses, if not intuitively understood, will always be as a
YES or a NO. The YES (it may take repetition to recognize) is a felt physical or energy
action. The NO is stillness. God, and Essences, also initiate talk. Be noticing any felt
energy or physical feeling like a tickle on your cheek or ear or arm, etc., and then ask if
God, or an Essence, seeks your attention. If it is God or an Essence, you will get a YES
answer to which you inquire of the intent. Then continue your discourse with inquiring
questions. God and Essences understand your words, whether silently or out loud.

Introduce yourselves, also, to talking with each other through your Essence selves.
Something special also is available to you; call whoever you wish, those passed on or still
living, they may reply. Then affirm your identities and communicate. You are
communicating through your Essences. A physical person on the receiving end may not
be aware of their Essence’s conversation but their Essence will give you answers.

We need to understand the fracturing and hurting of God’s people that occurs when we
conflict with God’s intent. Most important is that we people must pursue God’s
intent in the family structure. People are bound together, with love. The children
watch their mother and father, cherishing and learning their family actions from them,
replicating the family structure as they grow into their own. This is applicable to all
Peoples of all Worlds and is the foundation of God’s Heavens.

God acknowledges error as a teacher, not as a condemnation. It can strengthen the
individual for experiencing Heaven with God. Errors can be well understood and
avoidance of such hurtfulness can be learned and chosen. The in process ‘increase in
awareness’, THE SHIFT, will assist in self correction. Happiness is found in the pursuit
of God’s intent resulting in physical and mental health, prosperity, and peace. All Faiths
and Pagans should pursue The One God.

Experience shows that entities drift toward interchange with God. Sometimes we entities
rush or are led in other directions and ignore the cost, the hurt, and the negative results.
We may follow other wrong directions. We all are guilty of such actions and we all need
correction. Teach ourselves, but most importantly teach the young, the new, to talk with
God. Experience the strength and results of love to move our existence closer to God.

We will be realizing more our Universal Heavens. Already, billions of Essences from
other worlds in other universes have and will continue to gather together here with
Essences in our world Earth to share ideas and knowledge to help prevent trauma in all
the worlds, and to help bring forth knowledge for us all. Yes, cold fusion is being used in
other worlds. All of the other inhabitable worlds have progressed in comparable manner
as has our world Earth. Due to other world’s land, climatic, and size/distance
circumstances, they too have different religions. Each world had leadership from God to
establish The One God. They too, though, have conflicts about their concepts of
approaching God and face possible serious trauma with their increased awareness.

Take charge of your future. Face down the problems. Share your knowledge. Act to
overcome limiting concepts. No group has a better approach to God. Together share
God’s Heaven. USE YOUR AWARENESS AND KNOW GOD. The future of the
Worlds will be our homes where physical individuals will also have the blessings of
Essences and Essences will have the blessings of their physical reality. World
inhabitants will travel and share with each other the challenges of their existence. Open
your hearts. Fear not, as we are continuing in God’s Plan.

Inter-world travel by Essences is now beginning. In the future we will have inter-world
travel by physical persons who revert back to Essence, then travel, and then re-establish
physical identity and remembrance with maturing. Essences from the worlds will
exchange knowledge. All original Essences were created in God’s likeness. Thus all
physical persons in all worlds are likewise in the likeness of God as we are now.

Population control will continue to be by natural means, with less war and disease and
subject to terra firma and climate shifting. You can question your own and other
Essences for help in solving complicated problems because Essences have access to
material, theoretical concepts, and relationships. To Essences, time is not relevant and
measurable as we physical people know time measurement. Essences know all time
factors as being in the now. This means that Essences can view and relate history and
also future. Your Essences can tell you about the past and about the future and are more
than happy to give you information you desire.

Two hundred years from now here is what you will have. Mothers and fathers and
children tied together with love. There will be homes and schools and jobs and vehicles,
large and small, stay at home moms, and working couples. You will worship One God
but will retain your historical identities and customs. Travel will be easy and you will
enjoy your differences. Brotherly love will be the rule. Our increased awareness will
enable us to make choices that provide new experiences and life enrichment. Creativity
will virtually dominate your efforts and activities. Advances in applied knowledge will
enable ease of necessary movement as well as good health and caring for everyone.

We will have controllable ecology factors under control. We will happily relate with our
Essences. We will enjoy the knowledge of other worlds, share what we can, and benefit
from other worlds knowledge and experiences. We will be enjoying visual transmissions
to and from other worlds including translated languages. Essences, through inter-world
travel will enable awareness of the worlds and exchange technology advancements.

Inter-world conflicts and physical human travel between worlds will never exist. There
are 3896 inhabitable planets, 289 which are inhabited. From Earth the nearest other
inhabited planet is .72 light years away in the NGC4762 Galaxy. The furthest inhabited
planet from Earth is 154 light years away in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy.
Welcome, Weber. That, truly, is an interesting overview.

Nonetheless, a couple things stick out:

From Earth the nearest other
inhabited planet is .72 light years away in the NGC4762 Galaxy.

NGC 4762 is located in Virgo, and various figures put the galaxy at between fifty- and seventy-million light-years away.

The furthest inhabited
planet from Earth is 154 light years away in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy.

In the first place, "Seyfert 2 galaxy" is an "a", and not a "the":

Active galaxies which are brightest at infrared wavelengths. They show narrow lines and appear to be cool and dusty.

Source: Weisstein

Khachikian & Weedman . . . were the first to realize that there are two distinct subclasses of Seyfert galaxies which are distinguished by the presence or absence of broad bases on the permitted emission lines.

Source: Cal Tech

Additionally, the range of 154 light years does not necessarily leave the Milky way; the galactic disk at the earth's location is approximately 700 light-years thick.

I don't know if these have any significant impact on the larger theses of the manifesto, but thought them worth mentioning.

• Kanipe, Jeff. "Virgo the Virgin, 000512"., May 12, 2000. See
• Raasch, Rick. "The Constellation Virgo - The Virgin". American Association of Amateur Astronomers, 1998. See
• Weisstein, Eric W. "Seyfert 2 Galaxy". Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy. See
• California Institute of Technology. "Seyfert Galaxy". Astronomical Glossary. See
• Van Dusen, Jack. "Our Place in the Universe". See