Religion forum FAQ

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
[size=+1]Religion forum Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other Interesting Threads[/size]

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Definitions: Atheism and Agnosticism
What's the difference?


Poll: Why do people believe in God

Evolution and Creationism

Evolution vs. Creation
If you don't believe in evolution...
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Rather than making a lot of threads sticky, I will update this list to link to important or useful threads in this forum. If you have suggestions of threads to add to the list, please post them here. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list immediately. It will grow gradually as more threads are added.

You can also suggest possible headings for the categorisation of topics in this thread.
The Physics and Maths forum has a method of discussion known as “Alpha Rules.” Click there to see what I’m referring to. Essentially, this is a discussion method by which the participants have civil and reasoned discussions of scientific discourse that are free from thread hijackings, logical fallacies, and supernatural explanations for the natural world.

In the Religion subforum, it seems that discussions so often boil down to an atheist vs. theist argument, with the same old arguments being hashed out time and again. Personally, I’ve always seen the Religion subforum as having far more potential in a science forum such as SciForums.

It’s easy to find religious discussions throughout the internet in which respondents accept the supernatural explanations of religion to be prima facie and not subject to inquiry or question. Indeed, many of the participants of this forum who are religious adherents only, or at least predominantly, participate in the Religion subforum.

Yet, this is a science forum and scientific and naturalistic explanations for the universe are the dominant bias at the end of the day.

There are many that will tell you that religion isn’t something that can be studied scientifically. Stephen J. Gould was famous for many things in the scientific community, one of them being his concept of Non-Overlapping Magisteria. Yet, scientists examine religion and religious beliefs every day through anthropology, sociology, psychology, and even archaeology and neurology. Religion and religious adherents consistently make claims about science ranging from virgin births to temporarily suspending the rotation of an entire planet.

Therefore, what I suggest is that we have a methodology in the Religion subforum which is similar to the Alpha Rules of Physics and Maths. They would be different rules with different, albeit very similar, criteria. These rules, I propose, should be referred to as Beta Rules.

  • About the Beta Rules
    • Beta rules may be engaged when making a new thread, by putting "(Beta)" before the main thread title.
    • Beta threads should be interesting, original, and appropriate for Religion and should be scientifically presented, scientifically thought out, and scientifically biased. Threads about religion in a Science forum that are presented with a bias toward supernatural and paranormal explanations would not be Beta Threads.
    • In addition to the Beta rules, all ordinary posting rules apply. The Beta rules have precedence if there is a conflict.
    • The interpretation of the rules is at the discretion of the moderator(s). Suggestions regarding interpretation may be made, and the moderator will consider those suggestions, but the final say is the moderator's alone.

  • Violations
    • Please use the !report button to notify moderators if you think a post in a Beta thread violates Beta rules.
    • Posts to a labeled Beta rules thread that violate the rules will be deleted, edited, or moved to a new thread at the moderators' discretion.
      • Trivial posts, posts that are preaching/evangelizing or appealing to the supernatural or paranormal will be deleted.
      • Edits to posts will be footnoted by the moderator.
      • Rulings can initially be discussed in this thread, but may be moved to another suitable.

  • Beta Rules
    • No hijacking.
      The thread may be sidetracked, but only within reason and as long as the sidetrack is about some point in the main thread.
    • Be Polite.
      No insults, profanity, threats, abuse, demeaning or fight provoking behavior. Attacking claims and arguments is OK. Attacking people is not. No preaching, evangelizing, quoting scriptures to provide a sermon, or appealing to supernatural or paranormal claims to back and argument.
    • Defend your statements.
      Direct questions regarding your statements must be clearly addressed in a timely manner (within reason... sometimes too many questions are asked at once). "I don't know" is a valid answer.
      The relevance of a question must be demonstrated on request. Questions that lead to extensive sidetracks might be considered hijacking in some cases.
      If faced with multiple independent questions that require significant responses, you need only address one at a time. The others may be deferred until later.
    • Be clear
      Say what you mean. Try not to be coy, or overly subtle.
      Most importantly, request for clarification must be answered. Politely.
    • No plagiarism.
      If you copy anything (words, pictures, even an idea) from anywhere else, you should say so.
    • Try to be rational.
      This one is more a guideline than a rule. Breaches of this rule might only be addressed by a PM. What we’re aiming at is:
      • Try to avoid logical fallacies
      • When your argument is challenged, seriously consider the possibility that you were wrong, in whole or in part.
      • When someone demonstrates a point you made is wrong (it happens to everyone!), acknowledge that it was shown to be wrong and don’t keep repeating it. If you've made a mistake, thank people for pointing it out.
    • Have fun! If you're not enjoying yourself, then what's the point?

The Beta Rules are adapted from Pete’s conception of the Alpha Rules. This doesn’t imply that all threads in the Religion forum must now be Beta by any means. But, for those that are frustrated at not being able to discuss religion with a scientific bias on a Science Forum without interference by religious adherents who are bent on imposing supernatural explanations, this might serve a useful tool.
But, for those that are frustrated at not being able to discuss religion with a scientific bias on a Science Forum without interference by religious adherents who are bent on imposing supernatural explanations, this might serve a useful tool.

What about the atheist adherents? Or are they allowed free reign in this assumed free thinking beta fora?
The rules apply to them as well and there's no indication above that they wouldn't. I'm not sure what you're asking I suppose, but they are not permitted to hijack, must be polite, defend statements, be clear, etc. There will be no ad hominem, rude, or vulgar posts in a Beta thread.

Honestly, it is the constant back-and-forth between you and (Q) that partially inspired this idea (not pointing any fingers or placing blame, mind you). It gets to be a dilemma as to whether or not I should delete your comments (you and (Q)), which are technically on-topic -though the thread is essentially hijacked and impolite.

Moreover, there are those that would like to post threads without the burden of being harassed over their core beliefs and this is where I think the theist will benefit. In fact, the first post I created under this sort of rule as a pilot hopefully has a topic that both theists *and* atheists (and anyone in between) could participate in, following the Beta rules and still present reasoned arguments and scientifically sound data.

The only real restriction on theists is the reliance on supernatural and paranormal explanations to support their arguments. This is, after all, a scientific forum. And, as you've so efficiently demonstrated time and again, it *is* possible for a theistic position to be argued without relying on the supernatural and paranormal.