Religion for life style! The most evil people?


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We all know these people they go to church (place of worship) they do not follow the word of God. They are only in it for one reason they want the social support system. They like the meeting up with each other and the fact that they can fall back on a network etc.

I have 2 friends who engage in this life style. The first one I totally respect he is a man of great knowledge and he gives the bible leeway on the facts. His views are that the Bible may not be totally correct etc but he believe that the life style has given people a worthwhile way to live. He admits he will not follow it to the letter of law but he is happy to comply when he can. He sees his new found faith as making him a better person than he was before and I would agree with this.

The other is a J Witness who try to make himself and other believe that he follows the word of god and he is a good Christian. But his acts do not amount to much.

In many ways these two people have the same relationship with God but one has the balls to admit it and the other lives a lie.

I believe the second of these conducts an evil way of life. His Religion calls itself 'the truth' but he still see fit to live within this religion as a lie. He is only after selfish gain. He is using the cover of God (good) to live a selfish life. This individual appears to be better than he was before religion but in fact I believe he is the same person with very few improvements.

What an insult to God the very thing he would claim he loves more than himself?

I do not believe in God but I am still highly offended by people who engage in this type of behaviour. Its evil isn’t it?
We all know these people they go to church (place of worship) they do not follow the word of God. They are only in it for one reason they want the social support system. They like the meeting up with each other and the fact that they can fall back on a network etc.

I have 2 friends who engage in this life style. The first one I totally respect he is a man of great knowledge and he gives the bible leeway on the facts. His views are that the Bible may not be totally correct etc but he believe that the life style has given people a worthwhile way to live. He admits he will not follow it to the letter of law but he is happy to comply when he can. He sees his new found faith as making him a better person than he was before and I would agree with this.

The other is a J Witness who try to make himself and other believe that he follows the word of god and he is a good Christian. But his acts do not amount to much.

In many ways these two people have the same relationship with God but one has the balls to admit it and the other lives a lie.

I believe the second of these conducts an evil way of life. His Religion calls itself 'the truth' but he still see fit to live within this religion as a lie. He is only after selfish gain. He is using the cover of God (good) to live a selfish life. This individual appears to be better than he was before religion but in fact I believe he is the same person with very few improvements.

What an insult to God the very thing he would claim he loves more than himself?

I do not believe in God but I am still highly offended by people who engage in this type of behaviour. Its evil isn’t it?

its not evil. The primary purpose of church is to bring people together and help them to live in this world, so that they do not descend to ways of the devil further then they would without the church. and I am an atheist, yet I say that.
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I do not believe in God but I am still highly offended by people who engage in this type of behaviour. Its evil isn’t it?

Good and evil are concepts of theists and have no meaning outside their respective religions. In fact, the concepts are relative to the people and their church, ie. one church's good is another's evil. It's rather pointless to assert either one is good or evil.

However, both men are hypocrites. Both have selectively gleaned what suits them best from their beliefs, neither are being true to themselves and are living fantasy lives, regardless of their views or actions.

The first could have just as easily discarded religion and figured it out for himself, ie. don't intentionally do harm to others. If the second man does not intentionally do harm to others, he too could discard religion and would be on even terms with the first.