Religion Do You Dislike The Most?


I won't put up a poll this time, just tell us what religion you hate the most and why. I'll begin by saying Christianity, mostly because something about Jesus makes me feel ill, this entire concept is sickening to me. How anyone with a brain can believe there is an almighty god is beyond me, also how they could think the bible is actually real is just plain absurd, it's changed through thousands of years of manipulation, an no it's not divine, it's BS.

Your thoughts?
Christianity, because it's most common where I live (but Jesus is way cool). Islam is a close second because they seem the most closed minded and fanatical. Perhaps Mormanism is near the top, too, followed by Scientology.
Christianity, because it's most common where I live (but Jesus is way cool). Islam is a close second because they seem the most closed minded and fanatical. Perhaps Mormanism is near the top, too, followed by Scientology.

If there was a cub scout troop near you would you hate them too?
Here is what I see:

Christianity = Brainwashed more-ons that'll believe anything even if the book their reading it from is thousands of years old and was re-written more then a porn novel.

Catholics = Reserved, weak in spirit, without much hope for the future
I think i dislike christianity the worst also, i dont like the idea (in fact i find it offensive) that the only way i am able to connect with god and live a virtuous life is through Jesus.
I could spread happiness and justice where ever i go but if i dont do it via christ then 'no dice' i dont get into heaven and im not accepted.
Also i dislike scare-mongering as a form of social control, teach people why something is wrong or right, or at least help them to decide for themselves.
But dont dictate an arbitary value-system to people that will evoke spiritual punishment if not followed to the letter.
the worst religion is that which operates in the pursuit of ideals outside of understanding god - these "religions" do more damage to the fabric of religiousity than any atheist can dream of
I won't put up a poll this time, just tell us what religion you hate the most and why. I'll begin by saying Christianity, mostly because something about Jesus makes me feel ill, this entire concept is sickening to me. How anyone with a brain can believe there is an almighty god is beyond me, also how they could think the bible is actually real is just plain absurd, it's changed through thousands of years of manipulation, an no it's not divine, it's BS.

Your thoughts?

Apart from christianity, what other experience do you have of religion?
If there was a cub scout troop near you would you hate them too?

It's not their proximity, but the fact that I never encounter many other religions in my area enough to hate them any more than in a theoretical way.

In fact, I liked the idea of the scouts, but refused to join because they require a religious belief. I bought the book instead.
The best religion is Jedi. The worst is Islam. It is as irrational as any religion, but it's the villification and hatred of non-believers that clinches it for me.

There is simply no rational justification for it.

Because: 1. It is as irrational as Christianity. 2. Stems from the same traditions. 3. Wants to kill us all.

Because: 1. It is as irrational as Christianity. 2. Stems from the same traditions. 3. Wants to kill us all.

Ummm. Islam and Christianity are mutually exclusive. Islam and Judaism are more alike than any other religion that I'm aware of in regards to their similar 'belief-system.' And, 'no', I am not referring to the Nation of Islam nor the Black Panthers, an extreme offshoot of the cultural and traditional Islamic religious system common in the Middle East.

It's more like the Christian demoninations, of which there are an ungodly number, are more likely to differ by way of written doctrine, their own perception of Heaven and Hell.

Albeit, weak, but here's an example; Catholics and Baptists do not share the same view of Heaven and Hell. Catholics idolise statues of Mary, mother of Jesus, and their doctrine is...huh, do they even have a doctrine? Rather than me botch it up, read Catholic Doctrine.

Baptists are Bible-thumpers that pretty much send their message loud and clear (they might as well just use an Azan for intruding their belief system), that if you do not believe in God via through Jesus, then you will burn in internity. As far as Islam is concerned, I have yet to be approached by a Muslim 'witness' [no....such...thing], but Christians, being those from the Bible-belt in the southern states in the US are literally radical. The Mormons are even more so, and they are NOT Christians!!

So, as far as the right-wingers (Baptists) are concerned, there are no grey areas. On the contrary, the Qu'ran does not document that a Muslim will go to 'Paradise', it's implied with mixed messages.

Lastly, if I were forced to chose, at gun-point, what are my religious beliefs, I'd have to chose pantheism, i.e., Hinduism. Their belief is that everything living is sacred, e.g., their cattle. This may be because I'm an environmentalist.

I probably totally missed the point, but, that's my 2 pence worth.

A Taxi cab driver once tried to convert me to Islam here in New York. There is such a thing as Islamic missionaries.

No. We all are aware of this all ready. We're are also aware of the dead bodies as black dust in our apartments.