Leo Volont
Registered Senior Member
Religion Beyond the Historical Jesus
The other week I had published my bio-story indicating my personal reasons for my conversion to Catholicism. But as per usual, one reader in particular exercised every mental contortion in order to miss my primary point (I forget his name), and wondered that I could believe in any Religion that sourced originally from a History of Jesus which he supposed to be dubious, even after I had presented every evidence of believing in an Actively Valid, Demonstratively True and Current Religion. Indeed, if one does one’s research into the current state of Modern Spirituality, then one can be rather quite liberated from dependence upon any extremely dated or doubtful histories from much back in the ancient past. After all, why would Catholicism need any record of Jesus, if the last 500 years had demonstrated the existence of more than a few Christ-like Saints, quite the equal or even the betters of anything the dusty old Scriptures had portrayed regarding Jesus. And then we have the documented and verified Apparitions of Mary, the Mother of this Christ. We can certainly infer the Real Existence of a Christ simply on Her say so, as one Miracle can certainly be cited to confirm another.
And then my preference for Catholicism is one of Degree and not of Kind, since I wholeheartedly acknowledge a Kinship of Higher Religions in which Catholicism is but one of the Family Members. Indeed, we must look to any of the Religions that have been able to put forward in its favor any Actual Saint. You see, any Saint is Proof of the Existence in the World of a Fruitful Vine of the Living Christ (as Christ as a Metaphysical Reality or Spiritual Status is quite independent of any historically particular Religion). You see, Saints do not do what they do as a function of any independent power sourced from entirely within themselves, though their Will may be a Free Will still within their personal control, but the Power that works through them is connected into some Greater Life, a thing that my Dreams have told me to regard as the Cosmic Christ who is the deathless as well as birthless Life in All Things.
So, anytime we see this Expression of the Cosmic Christ in the manifestation of Miracles in His Saints, we should realize we have seen a Verification for the Authenticity of whatever particular Religion had given rise to that Saint, at least in regards some basic and central content of that Religion which had earned for it Actual Divine Sponsorship. Then, by examining what all of these Verified Religions have in common, we can then discern what the Basic True Points of what constitute a True Religion might be. Compiling these Comparisons, we see that God seems to Sponsor Goddess Central Religions that speak to Unity of All Life ultimately into One Supreme and Central Godhead. This may seem contradictory, when viewed from one polarity to its extreme counterpoint, but it allows for the progression from Exoteric Religion to Esoteric Religion, as a Goddess Religion moves its Adherent from the functional Duality of Ishwara-Prakriti Male-Female Cosmology through the Divine Feminine Nodal Point in the Center to the Undifferentiated Oneness that is expressive of the Cosmic Christ in Unity with Brahma.
The other week I had published my bio-story indicating my personal reasons for my conversion to Catholicism. But as per usual, one reader in particular exercised every mental contortion in order to miss my primary point (I forget his name), and wondered that I could believe in any Religion that sourced originally from a History of Jesus which he supposed to be dubious, even after I had presented every evidence of believing in an Actively Valid, Demonstratively True and Current Religion. Indeed, if one does one’s research into the current state of Modern Spirituality, then one can be rather quite liberated from dependence upon any extremely dated or doubtful histories from much back in the ancient past. After all, why would Catholicism need any record of Jesus, if the last 500 years had demonstrated the existence of more than a few Christ-like Saints, quite the equal or even the betters of anything the dusty old Scriptures had portrayed regarding Jesus. And then we have the documented and verified Apparitions of Mary, the Mother of this Christ. We can certainly infer the Real Existence of a Christ simply on Her say so, as one Miracle can certainly be cited to confirm another.
And then my preference for Catholicism is one of Degree and not of Kind, since I wholeheartedly acknowledge a Kinship of Higher Religions in which Catholicism is but one of the Family Members. Indeed, we must look to any of the Religions that have been able to put forward in its favor any Actual Saint. You see, any Saint is Proof of the Existence in the World of a Fruitful Vine of the Living Christ (as Christ as a Metaphysical Reality or Spiritual Status is quite independent of any historically particular Religion). You see, Saints do not do what they do as a function of any independent power sourced from entirely within themselves, though their Will may be a Free Will still within their personal control, but the Power that works through them is connected into some Greater Life, a thing that my Dreams have told me to regard as the Cosmic Christ who is the deathless as well as birthless Life in All Things.
So, anytime we see this Expression of the Cosmic Christ in the manifestation of Miracles in His Saints, we should realize we have seen a Verification for the Authenticity of whatever particular Religion had given rise to that Saint, at least in regards some basic and central content of that Religion which had earned for it Actual Divine Sponsorship. Then, by examining what all of these Verified Religions have in common, we can then discern what the Basic True Points of what constitute a True Religion might be. Compiling these Comparisons, we see that God seems to Sponsor Goddess Central Religions that speak to Unity of All Life ultimately into One Supreme and Central Godhead. This may seem contradictory, when viewed from one polarity to its extreme counterpoint, but it allows for the progression from Exoteric Religion to Esoteric Religion, as a Goddess Religion moves its Adherent from the functional Duality of Ishwara-Prakriti Male-Female Cosmology through the Divine Feminine Nodal Point in the Center to the Undifferentiated Oneness that is expressive of the Cosmic Christ in Unity with Brahma.