Religion as a type 1 error!


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Could the bases for people’s belief in Religion be that we are evolutionary prone to making type 1 errors?
spidergoat said:
What's a type 1 error?

"A false positive, also called a Type I error, exists when a test incorrectly reports that it has found a positive result where none really exists."

The reason we are prone to this type of error is because it protects us from when we do encounter a significant finding/danger. For example, we might have 10 false alarms over noises in the bushes and then 1 actual alarm. If our mindset allows us 10 false positives it helps us stay tuned for when the real danger is present.

On the other side of the coin is the type II error where we have evidence of a Theory/Danger and dismiss it. This could be that we heard a noise in the bushes but dismissed it as the mother-in-law having a crap. This type of error is very dangerous as it could mean we overlook a danger and die.

If you relate this line of thinking to Religion then it could be a Type I error (false positive). This is because there might not be a God but it would be better to hedge your bets that there is a God just in case, it's the same mind set as the danger in the bushes.

Once you are aware of Type I and Type II errors, you will see them all around you. Already in this very post we have a kindly donated Type II error from Mythbuster.
THERE is no proof either way...

religion is about the contemplation of creation.. the creator and us.. mankind.

there is no error.. only errors when trying to understand GOD.
SO religions may have lots of errors...

but the act of being religious and contemplating a GOD.. is not.

Mosheh Thezion said:
THERE is no proof either way...

religion is about the contemplation of creation.. the creator and us.. mankind.

there is no error.. only errors when trying to understand GOD.
SO religions may have lots of errors...

but the act of being religious and contemplating a GOD.. is not.


We both agree that there is no proof, therefore this is a Type I error. A Type I error may be an error of it's self but it is always an error in the absents of proof. You also say that there is no proof that there isn't a God as if this makes it equal to there being no proof there is a God. There is also no proof for everything else that cannot be proved. You argument is trying to draw positive evidence from a negative this is a Type II error.

Religion cannot be falsified therefore it must always be a Type 1 error. Are there any scientific tests that can be put into place for Religion? I don’t know many scientific tests but I know that known of them could be applied to Religion. (If I’m wrong please let me know)

Also my point here in many ways has nothing to do with Religion but more so I am trying to prove that humans are gullible to erroneous thinking because the Type 1 error has been selected for. The Type one could apply anywhere; I am just using Religion as an example.
it maybe type one behavior... but error??? no... its not an error.

its a mystery.... humans love mysteries...

the lack of proof... is why we need faith...

if we had any proof... then we would all worship and pray everyday.. out of fear.
and such would make our faith... meaningless..
it wouldnt be faith anymore.. it would be fact.
